Recent content by dangermoose

  1. dangermoose

    NextGen Gallery & Cropping images

    Hi all, I wonder if anyone has had any issues cropping images correctly using the nextgen gallery plugin for wordpress. I've got a bunch of images, mostly with people but the thumbnails are being cropped terribly, generally cropping out heads and other important bits. I've tried cropping...
  2. dangermoose

    Gallery 3 Now Available for download

    Out of interest, is the buy prints option part of the functionality of the Gallery or did you add custom code? ;-)
  3. dangermoose

    arras theme - wp

    From what I can see the welcome to arras theme is a widget so have a look in the widgets section and see if there is anything there you can remove. Chances are once you drop you own widget in there it will remove their placeholder widget. That could be a permissions issue. If you have ftp...
  4. dangermoose

    PC Versus Mac

    oh no, here we go... ;-) be prepared for a lot of opinions. I'll start by sitting on the fence, they are both great!
  5. dangermoose

    Calling all wordpress users

    You don't generally get plugins as they are usually third party so cannot be distributed. They are however, very easy to download and install. The theme documentation will usually give you instructions. ;)
  6. dangermoose

    Calling all wordpress users

    Nice site Nick & I like the way the client galleries work. Can I be so bold as to ask if you used plugins for the client area or was it hand coded? I am about to do something similar so just curious, I'm very familiar with WordPress but haven't yet done a site with ecommerce/client area. I'd...
  7. dangermoose

    Looking for an easy to use email template

    Good point & very true. As far as I know a UK based business cannot store data outside the EU legally so this is a sticking issue with Mailchimp & other US based email marketing companies. However, I do know many businesses using US based companies like Mailchimp without problems but as I'm...
  8. dangermoose

    Looking for an easy to use email template

    Mailchimp is excellent & free if you are sending to 500 people or less although there will be a mailchimp logo on each mailout. Worth a look.
  9. dangermoose

    First time at a higher ISO

    Lovely set, very sharp & perfect exposure.
  10. dangermoose

    Roly Poly

    ugly brutes close up arn't they! 2nd one is a great shot.
  11. dangermoose

    Dual Boot System

    I've been using 64 bit OS for years now and win7 64 is excellent. I dont know of any app that doesn't work but if you have something in mind that might be quite old (ie: old hardware you still use) its worth checking. Canon apps work fine.
  12. dangermoose

    Home Studio + Canon 7D

    Really like the last one, you captured a great expression on the little lad. Also, the pic of your 3 kids is much better than the first of the 3 girls. I like the pose on the shot of your daughter & boyfriend too, nice set.
  13. dangermoose

    BEMSEE (BMCRC) Motorbikes @ Brands Hatch, Saturday 24th July 2010

    Superb images! No 1 is my fav but they are all excellent.
  14. dangermoose

    Solved: Not long now until Julie's up and running again

    Did the motherboard have a name or is it just the pc? Surely if you replace Julie's motherboard you need to give her a new name!