Recent content by dankellys

  1. dankellys

    Red Arrows - Silverstone 2013

    Cheers Tom #1 without the vignette and a little less extreme on the PP: The Red Arrows by dankellys, on Flickr
  2. dankellys

    Samsung buys Boxee

    UPDATE: Samsung have announced that the Boxee servers will go dark this time next week: Boxee Cloud DVR to shut down following Samsung deal, goes dark July 10th Looks like samsung were more interested in buying the software and the engineers, rather than the product.
  3. dankellys

    Samsung buys Boxee Interesting to see what happens next... Samsung TVs with Boxee built in I wonder?
  4. dankellys

    Red Arrows - Silverstone 2013

    Cheers for the feedback Paul, really appreciated. Yeah the more I look at the 1st one the less I like it. It needed quite heavy PP doing to it as the sky was very boring, might have another go at it at some point. As for #2, I agree, the angle isnt great, but I did like the straight red...
  5. dankellys

    Low light indoor candid advice

    Cheers Chris, as you say its just going to be a case of suck it and see really. Going to try and have a trial run tomorrow afternoon, see how it goes.
  6. dankellys

    Low light indoor candid advice

    Cheers Fragglerock, will 1/50s be ok shooting hand-held? Think I will need to be hand held as I will be moving about a lot to get the angles right. To late (and too skint) to add a 50mm prime, but that is the next thing I plan on adding to my kit bag :) Chris, I know it is difficult for...
  7. dankellys

    Low light indoor candid advice

    Basically, work are having an "Official Opening" day on friday. During the course of the afternoon there are going to be performances by the children of the school choir (I work in a school) plus speeches from the Head Teacher, Chair of Governors and School Council members, as well as the...
  8. dankellys

    F1 GP 2013 - Silverstone

    No #8 is just one shot, was on the first couple laps when they were all bunched up, see what you mean though. Cheers.
  9. dankellys

    My most viewed photo on Flickr yesterday.........

    19 for this one of Ricciardo in the Toro Rosso: Ricciardo - toro rosso by dankellys, on Flickr
  10. dankellys

    Help In Editing

    Wouldn't touch it with a barge pole, a quick reverse image search shows that he has most likely nicked the background image off google, therefore doesn't have the copyright...
  11. dankellys

    F1 GP 2013 - Silverstone

    Here is another 2 to add to the set, which I have half managed to save from the bin: #8 Ricciardo - toro rosso by dankellys, on Flickr #9 Silverstone 2013 by dankellys, on Flickr
  12. dankellys

    Help In Editing

    Ha! maybe it is a photo of a cardboard cut out... :thinking:
  13. dankellys

    Indoor portrait photography

    Phil, I would be quite interested in reading your post too if you have the link :) Always looking to learn something new.
  14. dankellys

    Help In Editing

    Haha! That is exactly what seems to be going on. Anyway, I give up...someone else care to try to explain that it can't be done. Or at least that most people aren't prepared to do a few hours worth of work for free...
  15. dankellys

    Help In Editing

    Did you even read my reply? It is impossible to make it look like a studio shoot. I am happy to have a go, for a fee. What is your budget?