Recent content by danphillips

  1. D

    Dilemma - Do I buy a new Lens or a new Body ??

    The difference between the 30D and a more recent body is probably not as great as the difference between your current lens and an f2.8, especially at something like ice hockey
  2. D

    Which works best?

    I agree on the processing, but these are light years better than the set you posted a few weeks ago!
  3. D

    Your favourite motorsport shot from 2012

    I think it shows your commitment that you didn't run away with a car going at that speed just feet away from you. Love it!
  4. D

    Do you know who ansel adams is?

    Well I bloody love both past and current photographers work. And I think it's important to constantly be looking at their work too, go to galleries, buy books, or just google them. It's inspiring for me to be able see the work of Richard Avedon, Brassai and even photographers I work alongside...
  5. D

    When does a photograph become an image.

    Oh and I saw an Ansel Adams exhibition a few years ago. I must confess I got a bit bored ;)
  6. D

    When does a photograph become an image.

    Interesting debate here. I'd happily err on the side of if it consists of more than one separately captured image, then it's not a photograph per se, but still photography. More accurately it's a photographic montage. I'd also happily lump HDR captured via multiple frames all layered on top of...
  7. D

    Rizzle Kicks // O2 Academy Leeds

    Hey that's good stuff, especially with them bringing you on stage. It's a bit different from the usual gig where they can't wait to kick the snappers out!
  8. D

    Stupidity and people stealing my photos

    Anyway ITV will at least be able to tell you who nicked the picture in the first place. If he's stolen one...
  9. D

    Stupidity and people stealing my photos

    No what I was suggesting is that you could have a look at a specialist picture library and sell for more:thumbs:
  10. D

    Stupidity and people stealing my photos

    Apparently if you drop a picture into the google search box and click 'find similar' that can throw up where else it is on the web. Doesn't help if they've just downloaded it from somewhere and pinged it to ITV though. There's also a programme called TinEye that does similar but I think it's...
  11. D

    Recesky TLR "Construction" Challenge Discussion thread.

    Cheers guys. It was your thread that inspired the question. It'd be a good week long project maybe: build, shoot, dev, print. I sold a rolleiflex a while back so I think I'd definitely have to justify using a plastic equivalent as research!
  12. D

    Recesky TLR "Construction" Challenge Discussion thread.

    I've not started working at the college yet, so I'm just collecting ideas for new ways of doing stuff. I love mechanical cameras and these things are also very cheap. Thanks! Sorry for hijacking!
  13. D

    Recesky TLR "Construction" Challenge Discussion thread.

    Are these things particularly difficult to build? Might be a fun way of introducing film to students who these days are raised on digital. (Sorry for interrupting)
  14. D

    Before you press the button!!??

    To be fair to yourself I think you should always feel slightly dissatisfied with your pictures that you took a few years ago, that way you know you've moved on. I used to do coarse fishing and the sheer number of picture ideas you came up with as your safe shots sounded pretty good to me. I...
  15. D

    What replacement for Nikon D300?

    A Blackrapid or similar is very good for spreading weight. And also more prosaically, if the camera is slung over your shoulder instead of your neck, does that help? I very rarely have a camera round my neck for long periods because of the weight do tend to stick it on one shoulder with the lens...