Recent content by danwhiting

  1. danwhiting

    Help with purchasing lens

    Greetings to all I'm looking to purchase a Tamron 90mm macro lens for my D300, My question is does anyone know any cheap places or places where you have experianced good value for money with purchasing equiptment. I've checked the usual places such as jessops etc but am sure that I would be...
  2. danwhiting

    Adobe Bridge CS4 Help

    Don't worry just found out how to do it!!! just press ctrl and + or -and it will increase or decrease magnification. Dooooh! thanks anyway
  3. danwhiting

    Adobe Bridge CS4 Help

    Thats what I want but for some unknown reason it goes to 800% and I'm not sure how to change it. Any ideas?
  4. danwhiting

    Adobe Bridge CS4 Help

    Hi there everyone. I'm using CS4 and am having a bit of difficulty with bridge. I attempt to zoom in on an image in filmstrip to check for sharpness etc but it automatically goes upto 800% zoom. I'm pretty sure it did not do so before and am not sure what I have done. If anyone could help...
  5. danwhiting

    Ideas for a Compact for holiday.

    Greetings to all My family and I are all off on holiday to Florida in a few weeks. I am taking my SLR along with me but have been advised by a few people to get a compact as well for the days out that i'm not carrying it. I'm open to suggestions really for a good one, not really sure...
  6. danwhiting

    Places and things to do in FLORIDA!

    Thanks everyone for your replied. We've already got the flex tickets for us all, so will be going into Universal Etc. Haven't got the disney tickets as yet! Thanks again everyone If you've got any more suggestions please we're all ears. Thank you Dan
  7. danwhiting

    Places and things to do in FLORIDA!

    We're going as a family (12 of us) to Disney Orlando staying in International Drive if that helps. Cheers Dan
  8. danwhiting

    Camera Bag for holiday

    Thanks to everyone who has replied to this, It is greatly appreciated, I'll let you know how I get on and which one I will get. Thanks Dan
  9. danwhiting

    Places and things to do in FLORIDA!

    Hi all I'm off to florida with my family in a few weeks and was wondering if anyon who's been could give me the heads up on things that are a must see over there. Any replies would be greatly appreciated. Regards to all Dan:)
  10. danwhiting

    Camera Bag for holiday

    Really good and helpful review, I'm looking for something really that I can use as a rucksack but many thanks anyway
  11. danwhiting

    Mouldy lens.

    You could always contact the seller as they neglected to tell you this in the description and get your money back. You're probably covered under ebay buyer protection.
  12. danwhiting

    Moto X - Vectis

    Nice shots
  13. danwhiting

    Camera Bag for holiday

    Can anyone recommend a good bag for my camera gear. I’m off to florida in a few weeks to Disney with the kids and want a good quality bag to carry my Camera in, something not to bulky but secure. It will have a D300, SD 600 speedlight 18-200VR lens (attached to camera) and possibly one more...
  14. danwhiting

    ISO EV on NIKON D300?

    Right I think that I see what you mean. I think that i'll keep shooting at ISO200 the baseline (where appropriate) and will keep that one stop of dynamic range!
  15. danwhiting

    ISO EV on NIKON D300?

    Hi all I've read that I should avoid using the ISO Equivalent of 100 on my Nikon D300 and use ISO 200 instead as this will have clearly better results, just wondering if anyone else has any knowledge of this. Thanks Dan