Recent content by Edward Robinson

  1. E

    Lighting this shot...but with a white background

    what about shooting the models seperate, say on a toughned glass table with a softbox or light source underneath then combining the layers
  2. E

    Welding glass shots: show us what you can do ;) You dont nessacerily need a welding filter this was a 10 minute exposure after the sun had gone completely If you look closely, you can see some star trails in the sky My Flickr Staff Edit : Images changed to clickable links...
  3. E

    Welding glass shots: show us what you can do ;)

    if you have an oil stone you can use it to smooth the edges of the glass, ive used this to smooth glass on vivarium doors that are handled a lot also welding glass comes in various shades for arc and mig welding the most common being shades 9 to 13, 13 being the darker