Recent content by esmeslater

  1. esmeslater

    Bowens Gemini range

    Get the pocket wizards if you can, ive just bought them and they are amazing. I had the pulsars before and they were very tempremental, i had to fiddle with the wire to make them work. I even changed them for new ones and the same thing happened! Not good when you'e got young children in for a...
  2. esmeslater

    Home studio set up

    Hi Andy, i have a home studio set up and I use the bowens 500r's which are excellent, but come at a price. Depends what you intend on doing long term really as it might be worth investing in some more expensive kit.
  3. esmeslater

    Brave or stupid, you decide

    Maybe he was playing 'chicken'???!!:lol::thinking:
  4. esmeslater

    The Chicken Catcher

    That's a great pic, love the grin!!
  5. esmeslater

    Persian Cat Triptych Framed

    This is a lovely shot, i think i prefer it without the bars though. Just one other thing, how did you get the cat to look pretty? Normally persian cats look scary, well the photos ive taken of them do!!
  6. esmeslater

    How to upload photos from photoshop!

    Thank you all for you help! :)
  7. esmeslater

    How to upload photos from photoshop!

    I have just started the Digital photography course with the open university, and part of the course is to share your photos with others doing the course. However, you are not able to upload photos from photoshop. Does anyone know how i upload photos that i have edited in photoshop onto the...
  8. esmeslater

    Freestyle in Avoriaz

    That's wicked!! :woot: I took some similar photos to that of my other half on his snowboard, but he didn't get air like that and my shots are not half as good as this one! Well done!
  9. esmeslater

    A few snaps of my Dad's Car

    they're both really good, ive been trying to do this with the bakground. Has worked ok but not as good as these pics!
  10. esmeslater

    Every thing I touch turns to Pink...

    HaHa i love it! my favorite colour is pink. Just a bit strange how its affecting you guys though!!
  11. esmeslater

    Young Hoodlums and their Scooters

    They can actually go quite fast on those scooters, so watch out!
  12. esmeslater

    Shii - the wii for women! Not Safe For Women - NSFW!

    Haha thats funny!! Need to find something for you guys now! :naughty:
  13. esmeslater

    Red Panda

    i want one!! lovely pics.
  14. esmeslater

    Messing around in Picasa3

    Ive just got this programme off the internet called Picasa3 and thought i would play around with some photos that i had taken and share them on here. Am fairly new to photography, so the photos may not be up to standard :thinking: Anyway am loving my new found hobbie!!!:canon:
  15. esmeslater

    Duckling amongst the daisies.............

    Ahhhh well cute pics!!