Recent content by Fandange

  1. F

    Stonehenge sunrise and Avebury stone circle.

    Wow! The last three get my vote....
  2. F

    A session with Charlotte.

    I really can't take my eyes of number three. It is a beautiful shot! Well done, can#t wait to see your next lot.
  3. F

    Lots of Horse!

    B&W Horse wins it for me. Great balance of colour and movement..... and I love horses so am really thrilled to see a great picture that captures one doing its thing in nature! Nice one!!
  4. F

    Bloody Kids

    I have repossessed my 15y/old's mobile phone (that I pay the contract on) as a consequence of disrespectful behaviour. A lesson for him - 'Every action has an equal and opposite reaction' My father-in-law says 'Having kids is better than not having kids, but only just'. He's 83. My partner...
  5. F

    One for the dads

    Hey, congratulations! Babies are born every day so just chill. The best help you can be to your wife is to be calm and supportive. It can be difficult to watch the one you love in pain or discomfort, but the pain is for a purpose and then you will really be a Dad. Enjoy your last nights of...
  6. F

    Sydney Bridge from "The Rocks"

    Wow, that's a view that I knew well! I have seen a similar shot of the Brooklyn Bridge. I like the composition of yours, but I don't know if that is because of sentimentality or because it is a great image....correction, it is a great image - keep them coming!
  7. F

    Faulty Lens

    Hi, I had exaclty that problem with my 300D and sent the body off for a service and repair - £150 later, the problem was indeed with the lens, not the body. My mistake for not doing enough research. My lens is the non IS one, though and I have been advised that it isn't worth repairing...
  8. F

    Does Anyone Do Origami?

    My 10 year old son does some amazing origami! He keeps asking what the theme of the week is so that he can make something for me to photograph. Pity my lens is broken and I am camera-less..... However, I promise that I will post some of his work when I can. And I can't say about the gay...
  9. F

    Pregnancy shot(s) 'More Added'

    Beautiful shot in every way!
  10. F

    Music Festival Photography!!!

    My boyfriend used to stage manage and his advice is pretty similar tot he above. You will only have 3 songs to shoot, on the 4th the NME etc get their shots, then you will have to take your camera away, serious consequences is you are caught photographing without permission! Not a very...
  11. F

    Union - Self Portrait

    Very cool, I think you get it. Well, I get it.... keep going, there are plenty of ways to see the world!
  12. F

    Let Me Bring You Some Sunshine!

    I was thinking about how to capture movement (and sound and smell) in a still photograph just the other day, and you have done it beautifully in the first shot! Do you mind if, when I miss the sand, ocean and sunshine of Aus, I just gaze at this one? I love the B&W, as well - just enough to...
  13. F

    My first ever real life photo printed out! + second pic added!

    Such a beautifully balanced picture. Where is Jordan's pier? I would be proud of that one! I have printed and framed several of my own, I have a thing about having pictures and art that has been created by people I know, or of places we have been.....makes it a bit more personal.
  14. F

    Critique my work from the past month please!

    I like the face shots, especially the B&W. Good symmetry and lighting. The outside ones look a little unnatural somehow. Great choice of model, too - unconventional beauty - makes me want to see more of your work!
  15. F

    Repair dispair....

    Thanks. I just found Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens on Amazon for under £100....(am I allowed to say that here?)