Recent content by FetterieSteve

  1. FetterieSteve

    Humber Bridge

    Really like this. Just up the road and been meaning to try something like this. Well done
  2. FetterieSteve

    Barcelona - Street - Day Two

    Great city , loads of photo ops. Had lunch in the little square shown in No 7 when we were there. Nice!
  3. FetterieSteve

    100 Strangers **Complete** 15th July 2016.

    I wish I had the bottle for this. I find these fascinating.
  4. FetterieSteve

    does this count as 'street' photography ?

    There seems to be a fashion for taking random pictures of strangers, not sure what to call it or if it even needs a name but for me the best of this style have a strong subject and some sort of narrative. The OP is just starting out in this style and for me its a decent start and a millions...
  5. FetterieSteve

    Environmental Portrait Feed

    Just shows , you're never too old to board!
  6. FetterieSteve

    100 Strangers **Complete** 15th July 2016.

    Can I ask if you offer them a card or website address to let them see finished image. I wondered if that would be a good approach ?
  7. FetterieSteve


    Thanks for the explanation, really helpful
  8. FetterieSteve


    As I said , I'm a lighting novice so I'm going to have to take some time to translate that into something I can understand... but thanks for the explanation and hopefully the OP will come along and give us the details. And yes the lighting is really nice.
  9. FetterieSteve


    Nice shots but as a lighting novice No 2 confuses me. The shadow from her nose is on the right but the shadow from her legs is on the left.
  10. FetterieSteve

    Home studio shots

    Great expression on No 2. Really didn't want to be there did she
  11. FetterieSteve

    RX100 III Viewfinder Usefulness?

    As per the title. After Cataract surgery , my distance vision is fantastic but I need reading glasses to see a camera lcd. I love my RX100MkII but eying up a shot then having to put on glasses to check /change settings is a pain. Is the viewfinder on the MkIII any good for general photography...
  12. FetterieSteve

    Strangers Project

    I assume you know about this?
  13. FetterieSteve

    Portrait Lighting

    Yhanks Folks, Got something to work with now.
  14. FetterieSteve

    Portrait Lighting

    I know this guys work wont be to everyones taste but I really like these Portraits. Can anyone help me with how these are lit? The catchlights suggest a softbox camera right and it looks like the background is overexposed a little , but is that...
  15. FetterieSteve

    Controlling OCF Settings

    Watched the vid, very helpful. Still got lots to learn it would seem. More practice required!