Recent content by Firetographer

  1. Firetographer

    Ive been doing it wrong

    Cheers guys. I cant comment on the sharpening as I have not delved into the world of PP as yet. I should do as I feel my images are not not what they should be despite the kit, so I am trying my hardest to them right in camera first.
  2. Firetographer

    Newbie in Bolton

    Hi Keith, Kearsley ;)
  3. Firetographer

    Ive been doing it wrong

    Cheers Jim. Also refreshing to see the red in your signature. I guess I need to swap all my images around. I wondered why trying to sharpen my jpegs was not producing the results I hoped for, its the RAWs I need to have in the Library to sharpen etc.
  4. Firetographer

    Ive been doing it wrong

    I am relatively new to photography, despite being on here for a year or so, I just don't find the time. However, I am hoping to change that by dedicating more time to learning the subject. I have also been quite quiet on here as I spend several hours a day reading through and realising I am...
  5. Firetographer

    Newbie in Bolton

    Hi Keith. Im minutes away from you. Welcome.
  6. Firetographer

    help with 7d focus issues with test shots

    I know exactly how you feel. I bought a 7D 2 years ago and have still to get a decent shot from it. I have spent 2K on glass so that I had the best tools in front of me. I then discover the 7D issues and wonder if its me or my kit. Am I really that bad. I actually put it back in the box as I...
  7. Firetographer

    I don't understand lenses

    This might help you.
  8. Firetographer

    Northern lights tonight from Skye

    I would just love to experience this and to get photos of it would be a dream come true. Your very lucky to live were you do and have this on your doorstep ;)
  9. Firetographer

    Bristol Cameras closed?

    Mmm, they are just as bad in my opinion. Hope you get better service.
  10. Firetographer

    Bristol Cameras closed?

    Good Luck, I tried for weeks to cancel and they do not reply. Not what you want to hear but they are the worst I have ever dealt with. My money will spend anywhere, but it won't be going to this company.
  11. Firetographer

    fotoSENSE - more like nonSENSE

    I was going to order from them quite a substantial order many months ago, but considering its not too far from me I thought I would call. If first impressions are to go by I was right, I never even got out of my car. Came home and thought stuff it, its worth paying the extra from WEX and its...
  12. Firetographer

    Looking for a compact £100-£200?

    Canon S95. Just got one myself. Well impressed. Much lighter than my 7D too :)
  13. Firetographer

    Bristol Cameras closed?

    I had the same problem. Only used them as they said it was in stock. Turned out it wasn't and was a month before I received my item. One firm who has lost a customer for ever. I will do without rather than use them. Rant over...
  14. Firetographer

    Canon Powershot S95

    Me too, I fancy one of these as an addition to my collection.