Recent content by Frogstar

  1. Frogstar


    Thank you all for looking and commenting, it's greatly appreciated As far as I know, they just came out too late for my visit :(
  2. Frogstar

    Critique Grey Heron in flight, opinions please!

    Thanks Phil. How do you view at upload size? I uploaded at 1200 x 800 and all I can see is 1024 x 684
  3. Frogstar

    Critique Grey Heron in flight, opinions please!

    Here's my go at it. Adjusted the exposure, selectively removed noise and sharpened for the web
  4. Frogstar


    Thank you Les Thank you, yes they were also St. Aidan's
  5. Frogstar


    Kestrel at RSPB St. Aidan's
  6. Frogstar


    A couple of recent shots of a male Stonechat
  7. Frogstar


    One from a recent trip to RSPB St. Aidan's
  8. Frogstar

    Great Crested Grebe

    A shot from earlier this year that I've just got around to.
  9. Frogstar

    deja vu the puffin shot re-worked as requested

    OK, thanks. Obviously it would be better with full size image
  10. Frogstar

    deja vu the puffin shot re-worked as requested

    Personally I'd prefer the 2nd rendition if the PP was done differently. I tried on the image that was posted and used a different approach. Using PS CC2018 I duplicated the layer and did a quick selection of the background which I then converted to a mask. You can now select the white blobs and...
  11. Frogstar

    Juvenile Blue Tit

  12. Frogstar

    Australasian Cormorant

    Excellent shots. It's a little pied cormorant, little shag or kawaupaka (Microcarbo melanoleucos)
  13. Frogstar

    Black-necked Grebe

    Mike, thank you very much for the detailed explanation. From what was said by kodiak qc I was hoping for something new but that wasn't to be. I'm ok with curves and use them in my PPing already. As to editing my images I'm happy for them to be used if it's for the purpose of explaining...
  14. Frogstar

    Black-necked Grebe

    One last try, I'm trying to learn. Could you please explain how you do 'tonal taming' I'm sure I can work out how to do it in PS if you explain exactly what you do in C1 or Affinity. Thank you.
  15. Frogstar

    Black-necked Grebe

    Fair enough, could you explain in whatever software you use.