Recent content by Galokin

  1. Galokin

    TP Marwell Meet 30/01/2011

    here are my better shots from the day: Was a pleasure meeting you fine people. Def up for another meet some day, good fun.:clap:
  2. Galokin

    Crested Gecko

    that is one freaky eye ball! Great shot buddy, and the background looks fine.
  3. Galokin

    zombies are coming....

    oh i wouldnt worry, he would only bite your shins ;) Cheers dude, kinda miffed I cut a little of his shoes off but I was having a time lying on the floor in the dark with the gorillapod and just missed it :p Lighting was done using a home made snoot using my 430exII off cam.
  4. Galokin

    zombies are coming....

    Its been a while since Ive posted, kinda been slacking recently :( ... But there has been some serious breaking news which I just had to share! THE ZOMBIES ARE COMING! haha just a bit of fun...what do you guys think? All thoughts and opinions welcome.
  5. Galokin

    Christened but not religous.

    Morg - The reason Char & Adam are getting Luke Christened is because its a family tradition in Charlotte's family, nothing to do with getting drunk and collecting gifts. Just because a child is christened doesnt mean they have to grow up worshipping the Lord. I was Christened and im in no way...
  6. Galokin

    Queen Elizabeth Country Park

    ohhh yes, im always snapping lots of random stuff that i personally (at the time) think would make for an interesting shot. Most of the time a couple are worth keeping. The framing on the Tyre pic is quite tight because sadly there was stuff just to the right which i felt would throw the...
  7. Galokin

    The Eleventh Doctor

    nah they were definately an updated version, a lot more chunkier and now in a nice variety of colours. Maybe they couldnt find people small enough for the old ones so they made them for the bigger person :shrug:
  8. Galokin

    The Eleventh Doctor

    Going into the new season i had my doubts, David Tennant was fantastic as the Doctor. But this Matt Smith guy seems to be doing alright, quite a character. Not keen on the outfit ***, a bit too old school. New Tardis, new darleks...coulda done with some newer clothes :-p Maybe gone to Primark or...
  9. Galokin

    Best Soundtrack / Music in a film ?

    Transformers 2 is a good one for me as im a huge Linkin Park fan and they did a great deal of music/sound for this film. Another classic song is "John Murphey - In a heartbeat"...its been used in so many films, but i love the slow build up of the song. Think it was in one of the "28 days" films.
  10. Galokin

    Seriously AWESOME. Watch until the end!!!

    its lucky im the only one in the house at the moment, as i was completely wetting myself with laughter. Truly epic advert! That mouse is a LEGEND!
  11. Galokin

    RIP Johnny.

    The clue is in your name ;) (but i didnt know, had to look at the wiki link lol):lol:
  12. Galokin

    *** a plonker ........ lol

    Might be a case for Doctor Who i reckon! Thats why the women are covered up, because they are Earth Shaking demons from a far away dimension.
  13. Galokin

    Soppy video

    i gave up after 24 seconds, but mainly cos my net is being major poop tonight and it wouldnt buffer...d'oh! :p
  14. Galokin

    Beauty and the Beasts - R8 Spyder.

    that is one GORGEOUS car! And pretty good advert too, im sure a lot of stunt drivers and that "coryography" word that i cant spell! :p
  15. Galokin


    :coat:mine has been spazzing out tonight. One min its working, next min its dead...rinse & repeat. Lame!