Recent content by Garry Edwards

  1. Garry Edwards

    Wine bottle photography

    A very good effort, but the lighting isn't really balanced. Yes, it does need some "wine" in the glass, but for red wine we normally use dilute fruit drink for that, it saves opening the bottle and also doesn't photograph too dark.
  2. Garry Edwards

    Are you up for a challenge?

    To participate in an existing challenge, you take your shots and post into that challenge thread. If you want to start your own challenge then you'll start a new thread - but please discuss it with me first, via PM, so that it doesn't get confusing.
  3. Garry Edwards

    Beware of farm animals....

    It happens, cows and ewes are brought into season by the presence of a bull or tup. It would take a lot of guts and skill for farmers to break up a fight between bulls, but that's what farmers do . . . In the case I mentioned, a vet had been called to look at a bull that was apparently limping...
  4. Garry Edwards

    Beginner Magazines

    I remember as a youth, one of the main benefits of working for a large photographic retailer was that I could read every magazine and every book in my lunch breaks, which I certainly couldn't have afforded to do if I had had to buy them. Back then, magazines and books were pretty much the only...
  5. Garry Edwards

    Are you up for a challenge?

    Welcome to TP:) I hope that these challenges help, there is also quite a lot of static content in the tutorials section, and over 11,000 archived discussion threads, all of which are searchable, so plenty of info that can be helpful.
  6. Garry Edwards

    Beware of farm animals....

    Cows are usually fine unless they have a calf at foot, in which case they will of course protect it. Most of the walkers who are attacked by cattle have a dog with them, and often off the lead, so it shouldn't be a surprise when a cow decides to do something about that. I only personally know...
  7. Garry Edwards

    Lighting challenge 1, coffee cup

    The coffee is actually fine and tastes better than it looks, which shows that you could do a much better job of photographing it:) So, don't be shy, do your own version of brightfield lighting and prove what we already know - that you're better than me . . .
  8. Garry Edwards

    Lighting challenge 1, coffee cup

    So, this is our first challenge. It's a very simple example of brightfield lighting, where the subject is lit by the background. It’s as simple as it gets, because everyone here can do their own version, with this very simple subject and very simple lighting – although of course you can do it...
  9. Garry Edwards

    Are you up for a challenge?

    OK, I'm sold on the idea, so will now start off with the first challenge. Each challenge will be a sticky thread for a month, you can add to any challenge at any time, but of course threads work their way down the list once I have removed the sticky bit. Please feel free to add to this thread...
  10. Garry Edwards

    Beware of farm animals....

    A Border wallie's role is to act as a pack of wolves, trying to be in 6 places at once, to dominate and control the sheep. It looks very one-sided but isn't and if a ewe has strong feelings on the subject she will butt the dog and send it flying through the air:) Right now, most of our lambs...
  11. Garry Edwards

    Are you up for a challenge?

    As I see it, a high level of participation is what matters, so I think that we need to set challenges that everyone can meet, e.g. small subjects that need very little space, simple setups that don't need any specialised lighting - does this make sense? I'm intrigued, what's that about, and are...
  12. Garry Edwards

    Beware of farm animals....

    Years ago, and only as a last resort, we would use tups to persuade dogs not to chase sheep. . . Just put the dog into a flock of sheep with a couple of tups there, so that they could see for themselves what would happen if they started worrying them - the tups were very persuasive:)
  13. Garry Edwards

    Are you up for a challenge?

    No, I'm talking about lighting a subject to show it at its best, regardless of the type of subject, and the whole approach is subjective - the person who posts the challenge will demonstrate their approach and technique, other people can either copy him/her or try a different approach. But...
  14. Garry Edwards

    Are you up for a challenge?

    I've got a very good deal, they're paying me exactly what I'm worth:) I appreciate that not everyone will be able to take part, some of us have a lot more time and resources than others. This is probably the best way forward, if there is enough interest to move forward I will ask for advice...
  15. Garry Edwards

    Are you up for a challenge?

    Now that I’ve been demoted to moderator, I think it’s time to get people involved in their lighting journey. Years ago, before I retired, I occasionally hosted lighting workshops for TP members and also sometimes invited members to attend shoots, all paid for by the lighting firm that I worked...