Recent content by giantfootsteps

  1. giantfootsteps

    B&W Let's see your Black and White photos

    Mono conversion of a shot I took a couple of years back.
  2. giantfootsteps

    water reflections

    Nicely observed and taken, cracking reflections , like the edit from Jim, shows what you can achieve with just a little tweek here and there !!
  3. giantfootsteps


    Think it goes without saying, treat your subjects as you would wish to be treated !!
  4. giantfootsteps

    Fairy lights

    Works for me, cleverly done , like the way the reflection draws you in
  5. giantfootsteps

    Running in the Sky - New One Added

    Simply stunning !! it !
  6. giantfootsteps


    Love the first shot with the brooding sky and reflection in the water, and no. 5 tells the story of two forms of electricity, natural and man-made
  7. giantfootsteps

    Derbyshire sunrise

    Thank you both for your comments , I appreciate your input .
  8. giantfootsteps

    Lets see your best... reflections!

    Not sure this is in the same league but here goes anyway :)
  9. giantfootsteps

    Derbyshire sunrise

    Woke early to find a pink glow streaming in through the bedroom window,toddled off to get camera and had a bash at capturing the moment. This is a very early attempt at landscapes for me. Your thoughts would be valued and help point me in the right direction. :help:
  10. giantfootsteps

    Blue Squared

    Thanks for the feedback Steve, how's the crumble ? :D
  11. giantfootsteps

    Starred Agama lizard

    Thats some camo job ! , love the texture of the skin , great spot :)
  12. giantfootsteps

    Speckled Wood

    Pin sharp as Eddy says, and you found a fresh subject. My only suggestion would be to have placed the subject off centre , maybe in bottom left corner and attempted to orientate it Katy cornerways facing the middle of the shot, thus giving it space to fly into. But its a fine detailed shot...
  13. giantfootsteps

    Weighing it up

    Can see where you were coming from with this, I like the idea, and it reminds me of a still life hanging over my fireplace. Agree that the knife looks a little contrived where it is placed, and the squash would perhaps look better with a slice cut out of it. Keep at it Andrew................and...
  14. giantfootsteps

    London - 38,000 feet up

    Great piece of opportunism, and not so shabby to say it was taken thro' a thick window. Great job !! :)