Recent content by Grasshopper

  1. G

    Colour Temp

    Hi, I am having trouble that when I get my shots printed the colours are far from how they look when I edit them on my computer. I have a piece of white plastic I use for some shots and I use photoshop to give my shots a quick tweak and on screen the white looks perfect but when I have them...
  2. G

    Telescope or lens?

    I have admired planet photography for a long time and have decided it's about time I started to try and get a bit more professional looking shots. I have a Sigma 105-500 which I use for wildlife but have also been looking at investing in a telescope. I have been looking at Skywatcher...
  3. G

    Confused with lighting

    Thank you both for your replies. I have looked at the strobist blog and it's great. I think I need to spend a bit of time on there reading up and I will update my location when I login on my computer.
  4. G

    Confused with lighting

    I am starting to get more serious about my photography and although very much still being only an amateur, I would like to get myself a lighting set-up. I have a Nikon D90 with SB600 flash but that is it for now. I like to take kind of product photography. Things like Lego and flowers ect, some...
  5. G

    Photography Gadgets

    This is all great. Thanks for all your ideas. Keep em coming.
  6. G

    Photography Gadgets

    It's gift ideas for my wife and family so anything upto £50 ish. I don't have much lighting stuff, only a SB600 flash gun, so triggers and some other kits like umbrellas and strobes ect would be good. Any recommendations?
  7. G

    Photography Gadgets

    I don't have any filters so that's a good idea.
  8. G

    Photography Gadgets

    It's my birthday in a few weeks and I have been asked if there is anything I would like. As usual, I have asked for some photograph stuff. I thought it might be interesting to see, what is the best gadget you have received as a gift?
  9. G

    Photoshop problems

    That's great, thanks for your help everyone. I will have a look at downloading the upgrades and hopefully that will do the trick. I will post how I get on.
  10. G

    Photoshop problems

    Forgive me for being a total beginner but what is ACR? I have CS2 and Elements 9, I do tend to use CS2 more often.
  11. G

    Photoshop problems

    After some great advice from people on here I have started to try and move over from jpeg to RAW. I have just tried to put my first couple of shots into photoshop to play around with and when I tried and open the files, it comes up saying they are NEF and are not the right kind of document. Is...
  12. G

    Off Camera Flash?

    That's been a massive help. I have got my flash working wirelessly and also found out some other really handy tips from the last link you posted. Thank you again.
  13. G

    WB opinions

    I have a Nikon D90 with SB600 falsh so can run the flash away from the camera but have still not worked out quite how yet. As for any other equipment, I do not really have anything. I am only working with small things like Lego and flowers for now as I am trying to perfect that before I move on...
  14. G

    WB opinions

    That's great phil, thanks for your help. I think some of my problem is not good enough lighting. I only have one flash gun and not much else so have been looking in the lighting part of the forum for some ideas as to what sort of set up would help me. I will defiantly try and be more conscious...
  15. G

    Splash in a glass..

    That's great, thanks for the help.