Recent content by Guy Fawkes

  1. Guy Fawkes

    How to correct perspective in Photoshop?

    Thats brilliant Chaz, thank you.
  2. Guy Fawkes

    How to correct perspective in Photoshop?

    Hi chaps, Just after some advice, if anyone could be so kind? I am building 3d models of my neighbourhood using SketchUp and want to add photos to the front of the buildings. To produce the best effect, these obvioulsy have to be rectified to be free from distortion. I am struggling a...
  3. Guy Fawkes

    Penang sky line

    Thanks guys. :)
  4. Guy Fawkes

    Penang sky line

    Taken earlier in the year from our appartment at Batu Ferrenghi.
  5. Guy Fawkes

    Sunset walk last night

    Gorgeous colours. :) What settings did you use?
  6. Guy Fawkes

    Dorset Poppy Field

    Was just going to say exactly the same. Lovely feel to it though. :)
  7. Guy Fawkes

    Fawkes in SE Asia - Singapore

    Thanks! Thanks mate, great minds, eh?! ;)
  8. Guy Fawkes

    Fawkes in SE Asia - Singapore

    We went on a three month jaunt around SE Asia (Singapore -> Malaysia -> Bangkok -> Cambodia) and have just got round to playing about with the shots form the first leg our trip, Singapore (others to follow, when I have time). Thoughts and comments more than welcome. :) 1) Singapore skyline...
  9. Guy Fawkes

    Arnside and Morecambe Bay

    Stunning. Inspires me as I have the same camera. Well done mate.
  10. Guy Fawkes

    Wedding Invitations - Photoshop help please

    :lol: Too late for that mate, the sentence has been passed! Thanks all VERY MUCH fpr your input - after 6 weeks travelling in SE Asia, i'm coming back to this now. Will try some of your suggestions, see you in about 4 minutes for some stoopid questions. :)
  11. Guy Fawkes

    Wedding Invitations - Photoshop help please

    Need a little help on this, if that's Ok and anyone can spare a few seconds .... After playing around and trial and error, i think I will be fine with the background and the scratched effect, fine with the layering and the actual illustration of the central piece but: I am having trouble...
  12. Guy Fawkes


    Very cool indeed, sir!
  13. Guy Fawkes

    black and white from todays woodland walk

    VEry nice bunch here. For me, #3 has the wow factor of them all!
  14. Guy Fawkes

    A few pics from skegness

    Really sorry mate, but they dont do much for me either. #1 could be quite interesting if you zoomed in on a part of the boat and made the shot a bit more abstract. As swag says though, the exposure is a bit out. :s
  15. Guy Fawkes

    A walk around the NRM

    Thanks chaps ... :-)