Recent content by Haider

  1. Haider

    any photography assignments?

    hello guys... do you organise some kind of photography assignments or projects? I mean setting a theme, ex: lamp posts, red cars,...etc and then we should shoot and submit the photos within a specific period of time? i saw 2012 member calander but can't see where you called for...
  2. Haider

    Monsters of the Garden

  3. Haider

    Waiting for a train

    the feeling of seeing the boy acting and posing killed the beauty of the shot. sorry but that is what i felt.
  4. Haider

    You wait all day and they start to come along like busses. (Part 3) Oh er Mrs.

    give them some privacy mate... do you like being photographed while having sex?!
  5. Haider

    Two "black" birds

    the second bird has very nice voice and sing. it usuallay sings at dawn and before sunset
  6. Haider

    Kingfisher sequence.

    he never blinks lol very nice photos :)
  7. Haider

    Which version do you prefer?

    second one but with less light
  8. Haider

    Two that i'm really happy with!

    If I could, I would have switched off the room lights. Lit the candle. And shoot having the candle lighting what is around it.
  9. Haider

    Which processing is better?

    First one. But if there was a lighter version than that, I would go for it.
  10. Haider

    How to store your lenses...

    thanks guys for the tip... I sometimes try to zoom-in-zoom-out the lens so i let air goes inside it to prevent mold. most of the time the lens metal body is cold.
  11. Haider

    How to store your lenses...

    Hello guys, I hope this is the right place to post this topic :) Most of us are new to photography and we learn new stuff everyday. Today, I wish to know how to store my lens. I have Nikkor 70-200 VR I. It is in Nikon bag. It is not a leather one but from another material, I'm sorry I...
  12. Haider

    Close up Spider

    I don't know the name but I think it is poisonous.
  13. Haider

    Trade in your old camera?

    Thanks mate for telling. I liked this forum so far, it is full of info. Anyway I tried to get qoute from some websites but they all offer very low price. I called Kingesly Photographic about it and they said that they don't buy it but they can sell it for me and take %30 comission!
  14. Haider

    Trade in your old camera?

    Hello guys... I was trying to sell my Nikon D5000 and the search brought me here somehow. Could you please advise what selling privatly means? I tried selling it on gumtree but got huge scam offers with no serious offer.