Recent content by Happy_medium

  1. H

    What to get to dev B+W?

    There must be a youtube resource, rather than listing everything you need! Or try one of the simple black and white photography books?
  2. H

    High ISO film

    Fuji Neopan 1600 is great ... when you use a compensating developer like Microphen or Pyro. I'd find Neopan 400 pushed to 800 just as good as the Neopan 1600 pulled to 800, maybe because I'm used to using a compensating developer with it. if I changed, I'd botch up the roll..
  3. H

    Using whole plate film

    Dunno. What about double sided tape on the edge, like the way you do a hinge mount for a photo matted into a frame?
  4. H


    Its good isn't it. It has an orange mask, which meant it printed better on some of the discontinued Kodak papers. Most people prefer the Fuji chromogenic since Fuji labs use Frontier to do prints. Either seem better than XP2 for me. Too grainy in the highlights...and this is a film...
  5. H

    Who loads their own film please?

    `i do.....but I tend to just spool manually by stretching the film to an arm's length and taping it onto a reloadable cassette. Very quick that way....
  6. H

    Please say it's not just me?

    LMFAO!!!! :D Sorry - not me :)
  7. H

    Film availability

    Except square format ;)
  8. H

    Made a mistake...

    Aren't these Contax Zeiss lenses for the rangefinder one of the sharpest out there? I saw a guy with a 45mm lens adapted for a Leica. It looked fabulous. Must have cost a bit to re-barrel it.
  9. H

    Film availability

    Nuts. I didn't realise. I still have some Tungsten film left. Better invest in a new fridge ;(
  10. H

    Bulk loading sells them for about 5-10 pounds. I bought one and there was working colour C41 film in it!
  11. H

    Getting into Film

    Cool. Thanks guys. Slide copier ...hmmm....! I'm sure I've got one somewhere ... for 35mm...! Need a 6x6cm one. Nice blue shots. Have you tried using a colour correction (81A/B/C) series with it?
  12. H

    Rolleicord and Rolleikin

    Yes - my Rolleiflex is the same. But the gearing for the Rolleicords is different. It's primitive!
  13. H

    Bulk loading

    I always had suspect dust in mine when using a changing bag. Resorted to getting a carpenter to build a removable black out frame for my window, which I put in place (lined with blackout cloth) instead. The door frame is also tape with light seal. No more dust now :)
  14. H

    Cokin filters ?

    Have you looked into the Hi-Tech or Formatt Brand of filters? They are made in Wales UK. Unlike Cokin, they use proper neutral density substrate darkening, rather than just dyeing, which leaves more colour casts. Their pro-filters at least. I don't like Lee filters. Their ND grads are...
  15. H

    Getting into Film

    I'm confused lol