Recent content by homerdog

  1. H

    Toying with moving from a 7d to a 5D MK3

    But only if you make your living taking photos - if you don't, which is most of us, it doesn't matter. Anyway, after reading this thread I need to junk my 7D. :'(
  2. H

    Clio 200

    Brilliant feedback, just what I was looking for. This is very helpful - thanks! :)
  3. H

    Clio 200

    Thanks for the comments. The reason I went for the small aperture was to try and get the movement in the ship going past, but I see what you mean about the lights. I hadn't realised that the small aperture was responsible for this, so have learned something new! I sort of liked the pile of...
  4. H

    Clio 200

    I'd like some c+c please, not sure if I'm guilty of overdoing the pp - Mrs homerdog thinks so. It's mainly just some highlights and shadows, contrast and sharpening.
  5. H

    Is F2.8 really beneficial over F4?

    Rather than just asking about the benefits of f2.8 over f4, it sounds like you really want to know which lens to buy. The 24-105 isn't really wide enough on a crop given my experience with it. I sold mine, bought the 17-55 and haven't regretted it once. :)
  6. H

    What's the one bit of kit you own which......

    I think that applies to all of us, whatever equipment we use :thumbs:
  7. H

    What's the one bit of kit you own which......

    85 f1.8 - the fact that something so affordable can produce such brilliant results never ceases to amaze me. :)
  8. H

    24-70L vs 24-105L image quality difference

    I had a 24-105, but changed to the 17-55 a few months ago. I was reluctant to give up the build quality of the L, but on a crop body it just wasn't wide enough, enough of the time! To be honest I wish I had made the change earlier, because the 17-55 has hardly been off my camera since. As a...
  9. H

    Show me your 85mm f/1.8 images

    I love this lens :)
  10. H

    Which wide(r) angle L series?

    I was in your position, and bought the EF-S 17-55, because it's the best option to use with the 7D. When (if?) I eventually move/upgrade to FF, I know I will be able to sell it for a good price and then get what's best for my new camera. I suppose it depends how long you plan on keeping the...
  11. H


    I thought that the general tone of responses was negative, although not Arkady's in particular. Without wishing to appear controversial, I do get the impression that the reason some professional wedding photographers on here don't like the idea of amateurs asking for advice is because of the...
  12. H

    Canon 7D vs 5D Mark II

    As you already have the EF-S 17-55, I would steer you towards the 7D. I was in the same position as you and the improvement in AF over the 40D is like night and day. To be honest, the AF of my 40D was the one thing that let it down IMO and, whilst I was very tempted by the IQ of the 5D, I...
  13. H

    Good Find or Not?

    My first ever camera was an AV-1 back in 1980. I couldn't stretch to the A-1 (I was only 16!), but it was certainly very capable. :)
  14. H

    Alternative to Canon EOS 7D

    It might not seem a very helpful reply, but he will be delighted by any of the cameras you mention - a lot has happened in 10 years so, let's face it, he's going to be blown away!
  15. H

    7d is on it's way....

    That is a lot! Does anyone know what card is fast enough for the 7D - I'm using Sandisk Ultras (30Mb/s)? Congrats to the OP on the 7D, agree with the others about RTFM! :)