Recent content by Howy690

  1. H

    Barn Owl

    splendid shots , thanks for sharing.
  2. H

    landing swan

    Thanks for looking.
  3. H

    landing swan

    I spent last Monday at Slimbridge Wildfowl & wetlands trust , I had been there 5 mins just turned my camera on and was looking around and spotted him just coming into land . DSC_0375 by howywilliams, on Flickr DSC_0376 by howywilliams, on Flickr DSC_0377 by howywilliams, on Flickr
  4. H

    Selection of Flowers

    very vibrant i like the idea of the water drops, nice thanks for sharing.
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    Tetley The Donkey

    bit of a tight crop for me , but a lovely shot .
  6. H

    Most beautiful aircraft?

    Vulcan bomber followed by the harrier jump jet.
  7. H

    Eye reflection of a wild Wood Mouse.

    great little critters thanks for sharing.
  8. H

    little egret

    nice pics , we have had one at work that has taken to sitting in a tree just across from me , not seen hom for a few days tho cheers for sharing.
  9. H

    Rescued Bat

    hope he makes it these are great animals nice pic thanks for sharing.
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    Just Hanging around - Fruit Bat

    i love bat shots,thanks for sharing.
  11. H

    Tiger Cubs 2 (and a North Chinese Leopard)

    the yare so cute , great shots thanks for sharing.
  12. H

    Insects in flight

    wow amazing.
  13. H

    The Shard, London.

    nice set , i havnt been to london for years , i think i should go thanks for sharing.