Recent content by jacob

  1. J

    Lens selection.

    Hello all, as a fairly new DSLR user, I have reaches a stage where I am considering purchasing a selection of lenses. I currently use a Nikon D50 / Sigma 28~300 combination, and am happy with the results I am acheiving. I use the camera solely for outdoor shots of nature and fast moving...
  2. J

    Surfing Lurchers

    Hi all, Took the dogs to the coast yesterday, mainly as an excuse to get some much needed practice with my Nikon. Here are a few of the results. C+C always welcome.
  3. J

    Snowy Lurcher Walk.

    Hi all, Still a relative newbie to dSLRs, and have been neglecting things lately, so took the chance to get out and about with the camera and dog the other day. Hope you like. C+C welcome.
  4. J

    Dog eared, wet nose

    I just liked the shapes and textures so here they are. Any C+C welcome. Jacob
  5. J

    Lenses for an inexperienced photographer

    Thanks for the replies. I assume when people mention 'faster' lenses they mean those with a lower F number / bigger aperture, or am I way off the mark? The shots I'd really like to be able to take are of lurchers running fast, as shown below (not a great pic in any respect, but it gives an...
  6. J

    image problem

    Do you mean the flashing occurs on cameras lcd screen?
  7. J

    Lenses for an inexperienced photographer

    Hi all, Only just started with photography, and have picked up a Nikon D50 cheaply as a means of getting some inexpensive experience. The lens it came with is a Sigma 28 - 300mm / F3.5 - 6.3 DG Macro Is this a good lens for a beginner to learn the ropes with, or are others more suitable? I...
  8. J

    40mph Scarecrows

    Thanks for the tips. That shot was a real lucky thought or preparation...they just set off as I was getting ready. A more deliberate, but still no better shot below.
  9. J

    40mph Scarecrows

    Hi all, I'm very new to the world of dSLRs, and am really all ears when it comes to advice. As you can probably guess from the attached image, my main subject matter will be lurchers doing what they do best......chasing things very quickly! So please feel free to critique, and give any advice...
  10. J


    Hi all, just a quick post as a means of introduction. I found this forum whilst researching dSLRs after making the decision to take a step up from using my compact camera. I have since got hold of a resonably priced second hand Nikon, and am now trying to get my head round all the possible...