Recent content by Jacob.

  1. Jacob.

    To iphone or to Blackberry - that is the question!

    Ah sorry! When you said the new HTC i just assumed you meant the desire (:
  2. Jacob.

    To iphone or to Blackberry - that is the question!

    HTC Desire is 100% the way forward.. doesn't cost as much as the iphone but has better hardware and works great just out the box just like the iphone.. but if you are the type to want freedom with your device and not be dominated by apple then the HTC becomes more powerful option imo. Can...
  3. Jacob.

    Hong Kong through a 50mm

    Nice set! Good work (:
  4. Jacob.

    Whats wrong with this photo

    First just messing with the levels; saturation/brightness/contrast mainly, and sharpened the image a little, but the sky looked bad then so I readded the original sky with a slight change in brightness/contrast Second is the first image put through a HDR program just for the hell of it (:
  5. Jacob.

    Published (sort of) but P****d off

    Just think how good all those images you didnt like were before they got cropped :D
  6. Jacob.

    Whats wrong with this photo

    To me it looks a little washed out (: I'm not really sure what your looking for, nor do i really know what im doing :D In case you meant PP wise I had a little play with the image anyway.. Might be miles in the other direction now though :D
  7. Jacob.

    someone talk me out of my fit of madness

    Id take it back.. ..if i could see it cheaper online, then order it from there!
  8. Jacob.

    Web file hosting??? 25GB! I havn't used it but ive seen people suggest before
  9. Jacob.

    not happy with latest pics

    1st shot is very nice! Ive favorited it on flickr
  10. Jacob.

    Star Trail..

    no2 really does it for me!
  11. Jacob.

    iphone OS 4.0 has multitasking

    Oh yeah of course, that should ensure the next influx of orders then!
  12. Jacob.

    iphone OS 4.0 has multitasking

    Im shocked and surprised they didnt wait and release this as the main 'feature' for the next iphone. I guess this is an effort to get more people to make the upgrade from 3g to 3gs
  13. Jacob.


    Have to work with what ive got! I feel slightly liberated that with some work i may be able to achieve a decent effect with some work xD Look forward to trying it sometime.. too much light comes into my back garden though :(
  14. Jacob.


    Off topic slightly, i love this type of shot, i wondered if some point it would be worth commitment at stacking 4 second shots.. would that work? Max exposure is 4 seconds sadly :( but i have a tripod and a remote! Obviously id be looking at 150 shots to get a 10 minute exposure.. fun!
  15. Jacob.

    How has this little scrote managed to rob one of my shots?

    Without any effort at all i can drag any image off your site straight to my desktop. Firefox using source or just dragging it, IE the message works but can still use source to get it and in chrome i can just tick ignore this message and drag it off. Obviously they are watermarked too, but...