Recent content by james.greenland

  1. J

    Leopards, Meerkats and Lemurs at the Zoo

    Surprised to find out there is actually an entire section of the site dedicated to 'trips to the zoo' ;) Anyway, here are a few shots I got on a visit to the zoo recently. Having never done anything like this before I wasn't sure about the results. Thoughts? James
  2. J

    first-time DIY light setup - thoughts?

    Evening all, So this is the first video where I actually took a light with me (yes - one light. Wish I could carry more gear...). So if anyone could offer any advice on what could have been...
  3. J

    First post in a while - event photography

    Morning all. Did a shoot about a month back but only just got payment through so finally getting around to asking for a bit of critiquing. So for this event I went for something a bit different: as it was a University event I thought I'd try asking for a few silly faces alongside nice...
  4. J

    loosing westies in the snow

    A couple of shots from a while back - considering getting into pet photography. Anyone have any advice to offer? MORE FROM THE SHOOT ARE HERE James
  5. J

    Abstract Firework photography

    Hey everyone, any chance of a critique? more can be found here
  6. J

    Fire breathing

    here are some shots I got a couple of days a go. Anyone had any experience with shooting fire breathing? C+C welcome as always.
  7. J

    Leeds Ultimate Frisbee - marketing video

    thanks for that. I'm a fool sometimes.. So anyone for a critique?
  8. J

    Leeds Ultimate Frisbee - marketing video Shot on 550D :) Would love some feedback. Anyone got any tips on colour grading?
  9. J

    Richmond Hill FC vs. Old Halfway House FC - Amateur League

    go ahead. Would be interesting to see someone else's take on it
  10. J

    Richmond Hill FC vs. Old Halfway House FC - Amateur League

    I've heard a few people say shoot in JPEG in high-paced sport, but I couldn't bear to drag myself away form RAW...
  11. J

    Richmond Hill FC vs. Old Halfway House FC - Amateur League

    all were shot at f5 or 5.6, and I worked the iso depending on the weather as clouds were coming over all of the time. I actually had to bring down the exposure of most of the images because the white t shirts and the players faces started to get blown out. I've been told I do tend to...
  12. J

    Richmond Hill FC vs. Old Halfway House FC - Amateur League

    This was my first time shooting football. I have noticed that people who shoot football regularly do tight-crop pretty much all of their shots, but coming from a snowsports background, I tend to leave a lot of space around the subject... just a personal preference I guess... Going to leave...
  13. J

    Richmond Hill FC vs. Old Halfway House FC - Amateur League

    fresh photos up on my site. First time I've given football a go so rip 'em apart:
  14. J

    Santiago Bernabeu - Real Madrid vs Borussia Dortmund

    all about 9. blew the rest of them away
  15. J

    'Coin Pool - Night Sky' - first serious abstract

    So the shot is OOF because I wanted the bokeh caused by the stars to look like coins, hence the name. not really sure what you meant by that... Sarcasm?