Recent content by JamesG

  1. J

    AG Photographic

    Hi all, I have taken great interest in this thread and I must say... I still am awaiting replies to emails and more importantly a refund! :shrug:
  2. J

    Northern Ireland locations...

    Hi all, I was wondering if the Northern Ireland guys on here could recommend a location with maybe old buildings.. or forest etc to do a shoot at? I had a great location lined up for 2 shoots and I find out its being turned into an Airsoft/Paintball site. Hoping to do some fashion/implied...
  3. J

    120 Film Problem

    thanks for the help guys! I cant see the negative numbers.. from half way down the 12th image is solid black... but does the image and the number line up? on my strip it looks as though the numbers aren't matching up to the image! Could it be possible that the film hadn't wound on fully and...
  4. J

    120 Film Problem

    lol who's confusing you? No flash was used... Thanks
  5. J

    120 Film Problem

    Thanks! I don't think light getting in is the problem as that would turn the negative clear would it not? I don't think unloading is a problem either as i usually wind it on quite a bit and then there's the piece of paper that wraps around and holds it tight... one thing I had thought...
  6. J

    120 Film Problem

    Good morning all! :wave: I have recently gotten into medium format with a Bronica ETRS and have been developing my own negatives and prints from it at the college. I have had 2 rolls of film now were the last 4.5 or 5.5 shots are just black! I say the .5 because it does cover half a...
  7. J

    HND Photography Review

    Great images there! I like the tomatoes! Were are you doing the HND? Im just finishing my first assignment 'finding form' in Lurgan...
  8. J

    Belfast people, UNITE!!

    Heya all, I was there last night myself, was only my second night... so far so good! The program seems to be well packed! looking forward to the studio evenings... Donki... the evenings start at 7.30 and run to around 10... really big crowds, the first night ( last week ) there was...
  9. J

    £75 or £150 cashback on 7D/5D2 for photography students

    Its offered everywhere that sell the camera's, I got the £50 back on my 450D in Jessops, wee leaflet in the box had to filled in and the bar code cut off the box... don't see why they don't knock the money off the price just!
  10. J

    Typhoon at Airbourne 2010 - C&C Welcome

    Totally agree! :)
  11. J


    thanks :) Thats a lovely shot of the light house. Its Donaghadee alright, was a fantastic day but blowing gales! I had hoped to take a few HDRs but the boats were just rocking around so much. Thanks Jim
  12. J


    Hiya guys, Taken this shot last weekend at Donaghadee Harbour in Northern Ireland. What you think? Taken on my 50D with the Sigma 10-20.. had planned on some HDR's but im pretty happy with the results from a single shot...
  13. J

    Dance show - disaster

    we're all learning :D
  14. J

    Dance show - disaster

    What format would of you have taken the photos? jpeg? raw? With RAW you can allow for that faster shutter speed and lower ISO... ok the photo will be under exposed in your camera screen but it will still be sharpe, then with Lightroom or PS you can just adjust the exposure.
  15. J

    my first photo

    I like it! great first one :) only things i would edit is the horizon and the lights to the right... colours are very nice!