Recent content by Jonmurgie

  1. Jonmurgie

    Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 Choices .....

    Um, yes it will? As others have said, go for the IS II and marvel at how stunning it is :thumbs:
  2. Jonmurgie

    my website

    No problem, we all have to start somewhere and the fact you asked for thoughts/opinions publicly will go a long way :thumbs:
  3. Jonmurgie

    50D vs 7D vs 5D Mk i

    +1 If you don't have 'decent' glass then you might as well strike the 5D off the list... it used ALL the lens so ideally you need great (if not stunning) glass to get the best out of the camera (IMO of course) :)
  4. Jonmurgie

    my website

    Flash based sites are a big no-no IMO, slow and come with accessibility issues abound. All the gimmicky transitions and image effects get's a bit tiresome and annoying after a while too. I'd look for something that's HTML based and go from there, plenty of "template" sites out there but avoid...
  5. Jonmurgie

    Best place to buy fast CF cards?

    Fair enough, if you're intended use is for multiple bursts then guess you'll need to be spending £100+ on each memory card!!
  6. Jonmurgie

    Best place to buy fast CF cards?

    Amazon usually have some great offers, 8gb 60mb/s cards for ~£35 each a few months back, currently at £37.99: Always worth keeping your eye on as any great...
  7. Jonmurgie

    Best compact with manual features?

    Canon S95 would probably do the trick :) There is a great review of the above with the Panny LX5 (and a Nikon something or other) here:
  8. Jonmurgie


    My first little foray into any kind of film cameras came about due to someone selling a bundle of 5 cameras on another non-camera forum I frequent... was a pretty cheap lot and a couple need some work but am already enjoying reading up on them and hope to sort some film and take some shots soon...
  9. Jonmurgie

    Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM

    Though that's an EF-S lens...
  10. Jonmurgie

    London portraits @ 1.8 " 5 Images "

    Great idea, and 4 is cracking... others a bit soft for me (4 is the only one that's sharp) but all together nice execution :)
  11. Jonmurgie

    Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM

    Hu? The f1.4 is USM and far from "junky" focusing IMO... it blows the f1.8 away I regards to build quality. True, the f.18 is a stunning lens for the money and I've used mine a LOT (an awful lot!) but as my f1.4 was only £100 more than the f1.8 it was a good buy :p
  12. Jonmurgie

    New Canon Stuff announced

    What, no new 5D :lol:
  13. Jonmurgie


    Pleasantly surprised to see if on the Beeb so enjoying a bit of Jake Humphrey before he starts his proper job of F1 in a months time :thumbs:
  14. Jonmurgie

    Canon 50/1.4 cheap in Jessops

    and to think I nearly didn't go to collect it yesterday, thinking the "reservation" was safe for 3 days as indicated! Sorry to those who missed out, often the case on miss-price deals...
  15. Jonmurgie

    17-40 L, old 20-35 L/20-35 non L or Siggy 15-30 for Canon 5D

    Until you can afford to upgrade to the 16-35L f2.8 that is ;) The 17-40L is a lovely lens and represents superb value for money, especially being an L glass so well worth buying if that's your budget.