Recent content by jr1104

  1. J

    RNAS Yeovilton - Saturday...

    Cool shots, the Vulcan looks great. I also quite like No 10, not sure why, it's just a bit different in its perspective.
  2. J

    Water spout and a collision

    2nd one is awesome, couldn't be any better.
  3. J

    Skomer sunset

    Great colours, in the sea and the sky.
  4. J

    Sunset at Emery Down, New Forest

    That's some great, deep colour you've got there. Wonderful.
  5. J

    Night shots from my holiday

    I didn't notice any, although haven't really heard of it before. This is the original:
  6. J

    Selection from Iceland

    3 and 7 are my favourites, great photos.
  7. J

    Night shots from my holiday

    In this case I had very dark, clear skies. I then put my camera at the highest ISO I could, opened the lens as wide as it would go (f2.8 in this case), then took a 90 second exposure. This is about as long as you can go before the star trailing gets too much, and even then it took some work to...
  8. J

    Night shots from my holiday

    Haven't posted on here for a while due to much work, but I now have the whole summer to get out with my camera more. Here's 2 that I'm pleased with from the holiday so far, both taken with my Nikon D40 and Tamron 17-50mm. The star trails is a 30 minute exposure at ISO 400, and the other is...
  9. J

    Mount Kenya Panorama

    Great panorama, looks like an amazing place to be.
  10. J

    A few from the Alps

    Well, after getting back from my snowboard trip a couple of days ago, it appears I've bought all the snow back with me. Due to being on the slopes for about 8 hours everyday, I didn't get much chance to take my camera out, but I took a few from my balcony, so thought I'd show them on here.
  11. J

    Scottish Glen

    Nice image, good range of colours and depth. Agree about cropping some of the sky though, to help bring the hills out.
  12. J

    [Time Lapse] In A Liverpool Minute

    Great time-lapse, and location (mild bias due to living there;)). Love it when the lights come on, you should see if you can get the university engineering building in the shot, as it changes colour through the night.
  13. J

    Castlerigg stone circle

    I like the mono version. Maybe a bit of level tweaking could help the stones stand out.
  14. J

    A good night ahead?

    I agree with Mintman in that it could do with being either darkened or lightened slightly, maybe post an example of each. It could also maybe do with having the bottom cropped slightly so that there isn't as much dark area.
  15. J

    Night shot in over the valley..

    Nice photos, well exposed. Second one is my favourite, great colours and well balanced with the artifical lights at the bottom. Could probably do with the horizon being straightened and maybe cutting some of the darkness from the bottom.