Recent content by kamikazi929

  1. K

    HDR stops help ....

    i have a nikon d3100 which sadly doesnt have AEB. hoping to upgrade in the next few months to a d5100 which does.
  2. K

    HDR stops help ....

    thanks all for the answers, that clears my confusion :- ) now i can start on taking HDRs using the 'proper' recommended stops. Although I realise this can vary depending on what scene your shooting. I swear sometimes its the basic fundamentals which confuse me. Never been one for numbers haha
  3. K

    HDR stops help ....

    When taking my HDR's (im very new to this), I usally get my settings when the camera is in auto, jot them down, and then switch to manual, and put them in. Say for example my shutter speed is 1/250, then I take the first photo, adjust the shutter speed to say 1/500 and take the next, then I will...
  4. K

    My first 2 timelapses...

    sorry i meant to say Aputure, as in the company that makes the intervalometer..... yeah i forgot to put white balance to manual when doing the sunset one...
  5. K

    My first 2 timelapses...

    These were taken in Vietnam. The first is of a sunset in Phu Quoc Island, pretty short, and some white balance flickering but I like it..... The second was longer, over 1800 individual shots taken every 3 seconds. This one is of the...
  6. K

    Some questions regarding HDR photography?

    here are 2 re-done versions of the same photo...
  7. K

    Some questions regarding HDR photography?

    Thanks Alastair, these were combined through an iPad app called mobilehdr, as I don't have access to a pc at the moment, I'm going to redo them when I get home as I suspect the iPad app isn't great, and I expect to get much better results. Thanks for the tip though :-) ill re upload my results...
  8. K

    Some questions regarding HDR photography?

    here's my 1st attempts at HDR :-) Bantrei Srei temple in Cambodia One of the main terraces of Angkor *** in Cambodia... Still on holiday in SE Asia, so expect more :-)
  9. K

    Renewable Energy!

    love the first one, but i think it would look better without the fence :- ) i like the darkness of the 1st too....
  10. K

    A few photos from Peru (Picture heavy)

    THE INCA TRAIL AND MACHU PICCHU Im the guy on the far left :- ) Me at the top of "Warmiwanusca" aka Dead Womans Pass at 4200m After 4 days of hiking me and the mrs arrive at Machu Picchu The postcard picture :- )
  11. K

    A few photos from Peru (Picture heavy)

    Went on a 3 week backpacking tour of Peru last year before I joined this forum, and thought i'd share a few of the better photos I took with you all :- ) I apologise for the low quality of these photos, they are linked from my facebook, and im offshore on a bad connection, otherwise i'd upload...
  12. K

    Some questions regarding HDR photography?

    i havent had much time recently, as ive been pretty busy working offshore, not much I can take a photo of out here - the ambient light either tends to be all in your face or pitch black, theres no variation. But im off to Cambodia and Vietnam for 3 weeks next sat 28th so plan on taking a lot of...
  13. K

    Some questions regarding HDR photography?

    thank you :- ) ill sharpen it a little later and repost it up :- ) as far as i know the d3100 doesnt have AEB, however the d5100 does, as soon as i have some extra funds ill be selling the d3100 i have for the d5100 :- ) -
  14. K

    HDR App for Ipad?

    I have tried a few, TrueHDR and Pro HDR, but none seems to really much for me. Does anyone on here have any recommendations as to what the best HDR app is? One feature it must have is the ability to load 3 or more photos from the ipad library and HDR from there, most of the ones I have come...