Recent content by KellyJ

  1. KellyJ

    Whats your late night snack?

    Melon and oranges. Or maybe leftover cold meat.
  2. KellyJ

    moonlit landscapes from last night!

    The first one is just breathtaking, wow.
  3. KellyJ

    Horror Photography anyone? (may contain fake blood)

    I've had to do that before, it's a pain but you've done well it looks pretty realistic :D Awesome, will give you a message if I have anything coming up :)
  4. KellyJ

    trip to Manchester

    Airbus at Broughton? That's awesome, my house is only down the road in Saltney :D You may have seen my Dad or my fella pottering around as they both work there too :)
  5. KellyJ

    Horror Photography anyone? (may contain fake blood)

    They definitely count Mark, and that fake blood is great.. it's really hard to get a good mixture. LOVE the concept too! very strong. and Yeyyy more zombies, keep them coming :D
  6. KellyJ

    Horror Photography anyone? (may contain fake blood)

    Nice one Matt :D and I'm actually planning to do some more horror work this year in my spare time so if you ever fancy doing a project I'll be up for it.. just give me a message, we're not too far away from each other I'm sure there'd be a suitable location between us :)
  7. KellyJ

    trip to Manchester

    What a beauty!! Great shot! :D I'm lucky enough to live near the Airbus factory in North Wales and see the A300-600ST or Beluga as it's better known fly over our house on almost a daily basis, it's a great sight to see such a big aircraft in the sky. I'd love to get a shot like this of the Beluga.
  8. KellyJ

    All Better

    Lovely shot Matt. Very beautiful girl :)
  9. KellyJ

    All on my...

    This is great :D
  10. KellyJ

    Contact list Hacked

    I had this happen to me with countless hotmail accounts, So I deleted all of my contacts to make sure no emails were sent out to anyone again, and got myself a Gmail instead. Hotmail is awful. :(
  11. KellyJ

    Camo Clothing Fail

    Jeez, I think we need to lighten up a little here :p
  12. KellyJ

    new to photography

    Number 1 is great! Number 2 is good too but needs to be a little crisper, perhaps using both a tripod with a remote shutter release so you don't get the shake from pressing the shutter :) Number 3 for me needs a little boost, I love the lead in lines but maybe some contrast to make it stand...
  13. KellyJ

    Facebook pages...

    Think I'm going to set aside some time to go through that list :D
  14. KellyJ

    Some flying Squirrels

    This thread is bringing me so much joy right now, great captures :D
  15. KellyJ

    Downtown Los Angeles.

    Taken on my winter trip to LA, saw this around the corner from our hotel downtown and thought it was pretty funny. Anyone up for a Crown? :p