Recent content by kevinposty

  1. kevinposty

    Locations Near Ashford Kent

    Hi Kelly could I recommend farthing common nr Folkestone. It is between Folkestone and hythe. It has plenty of parking and the views are amazing, even with a wide lens you won't get it all in . Get there just before sunset you won't be disappointed , you can see for miles. Hope this helps good...
  2. kevinposty

    My car, my camera and I...

    Hi Jenna, to me your photo is a bit havoc and bright lights, and as for some of those comments they should be under rug swept! I once owned the same golf as you and I loved it and as for alanis well , I love her too , nice photo, as long as you love it that's all that matters , kev
  3. kevinposty

    360 Spider rig shots.

    Simply stunning ! Love em all , kev
  4. kevinposty

    Bamburgh Sunrise

    Stunning shot Danny , love everything about it , Kevin
  5. kevinposty

    River side royals....

    A breathtaking shot, I LOVE IT . One of the best photos I have ever seen well done
  6. kevinposty


    Lovely shot John
  7. kevinposty

    Orchid, Dutch iris and English Rose

    I really like the iris, the rain drops the dark border and the sharp focus really makes the subject 'pop'
  8. kevinposty

    Poor fish

    Fantastic shot. Pin sharp with beautiful colours .
  9. kevinposty


    Great shot, I was only watching one yesterday on the trunk of a conifer, well done
  10. kevinposty

    HDR Icmeler

    Fantastic ! Great use of HDR
  11. kevinposty

    Clevedon Pier at Sunset

    Number 3 is superb!
  12. kevinposty

    Red Roses

    Beautiful ! Love this photo
  13. kevinposty


    Great shot!
  14. kevinposty

    Big Rock

    Great shot pin sharp lovely colour and look at that sky!
  15. kevinposty

    RNLI Henry Blogg Museum, Cromer

    I like it, good composition and colour, natural look not too overdone.