Recent content by kiteland

  1. kiteland

    I Tried a Time Lapse

    Really like that Scott. Good idea. :)
  2. kiteland

    reflector stand?

    They also often list on Ebay with option to make them an offer. Think I saved a fiver on mine ;)
  3. kiteland

    Pocket wizard supplier

    Very similar experience with them :( Mine went back for a full refund after 5 months of (beta) testing. LPA tried to help but couldn't get them to work. I'm a CE user with 3 580EXIIs.
  4. kiteland

    Removing the creases from RIPSTOP.

    Speaking as a kite flyer :D ripstop can be ironed - but as others have said - not too hot an iron and best to put a damp cloth in between iron and ripstop. :)
  5. kiteland

    580EX ii external power

    I have the canon and the yong nuo version for my 580EXIIs. I've had no probs at all with the yong nuo version. All I would say is I give both similar respect in terms of not repeatedly firing the guns in quick succession. :)
  6. kiteland

    Will it take off?

    Now....... what happens if you replace the aeroplane with a helicopter? :shrug: :D
  7. kiteland

    Timing is Key - I've Surprised Myself!

    Excellent work Gritty - you've got everyone doing it now :)
  8. kiteland

    Kit From Hong Kong (Frustrated)

    me also - never had a problem with them :thumbs:
  9. kiteland

    Timing is Key - I've Surprised Myself!

    See - told you what would happen :D
  10. kiteland

    Pocket wizard questions

    You have been very lucky or I have been very unlucky Having tried 3 580EXII, 2 FlexTT1 and 6 FlexTT5 I couldn't get reliable triggering or exposures from 20 feet. Using the AC5 shields did little to help. :)
  11. kiteland

    Learning to walk

    Cheers many thanks for the comments. In some ways I wish I had had the chance to recompose but it was one of those moment shots. Given it was a prime on my Leica I just didn't have the chance to step and she sure as hell wasn't going to do it again for me :D Its printed on and has a...
  12. kiteland

    Kim's 365 for 2010

    Just finished my 360 - keep with it and you’ll definitely enjoy the sense of accomplishment in 364 days time. :)
  13. kiteland

    Learning to walk

    Yes that's mummy in the background :)