Recent content by Lesley

  1. Lesley

    New camera choices

    I've got a separate pot put aside for a decent zoom, which is what I use most of the time so that's not a problem, although any left over from the body could be put towards it possibly. With a spaniel pup and a 7 year old with ADHD in the house, a faster camera might not be a bad idea! Lol
  2. Lesley

    New camera choices

    Thanks for the quick replies! So it's definitely worth heading towards the in body motor then? I tend to do a lot of portrait and plant photography and want to improve on the clarity and sharpness. Will check out the D7000 now.
  3. Lesley

    New camera choices

    Ok, I've had my Nikon D40x for seven years now and have decided that its time for an upgrade. I'm comfortable with the Nikon format but am not sure whether to go for a body with an inbuilt motor to give me more freedom of choice with lenses. I'm fairly ignorant regards which cameras are the best...
  4. Lesley

    Point and shoot recommendations for my son's birthday please

    Yes I want to get him a proper camera. He can use one and is starting to learn how to process them on the computer as well so would like something half decent. The kids ones are so expensive for what they are and I don't think he would be impressed by one at all (I'm afraid he quite likes my slr...
  5. Lesley

    Point and shoot recommendations for my son's birthday please

    I would like to get my soon to be 5 year old a camera for his birthday. He has been using a very old p&s of mine for quite a while and thoroughly enjoys it but is not getting good results as the delay between pressing the button and it taking the photo is way too long. I can afford something...
  6. Lesley

    Lesley's 52 2011 Week 2 New

    Ok a day late but have a poorly little boy at the moment so everything is late at the mo. :'( I tried various things but this is the one I was happiest with. I like the composition and the texture on the inside of the bag but the lighting is a bit funny (best I could do without lights) and I...
  7. Lesley

    Help to remove a tent pole needed

    Made you look!!!:lol: Thanks for all the help guys! Still not getting the desired result as yet but plodding along and trying the clone tool again to remove hair now! At the rate I'm going my husband will be bald by the time I've finished!:eek: Will post results when I've finished (or given up).
  8. Lesley

    Help to remove a tent pole needed

    I have photoshop cs2 and have been trying to tidy up this image but got stuck when removing the tent pole from behind my husbands head due to the hair in front of it. I was using the clone tool as I am not very clued up ps as yet and that is the only way I know how to do it. Could anyone give me...
  9. Lesley

    Robyn's 52 weeks 2011 Theme: Chaos

    Blaze is gorgeous and focus and lighting spot on. I would have tried to take the face out of the centre of the shot slightly but thats me being picky. Well done!
  10. Lesley

    Lesley's 52 2011 Week 2 New

    Thanks for all the replies! I may have to try a reshoot next time I'm down at the in-laws.
  11. Lesley

    Lesley's 52 2011 Week 2 New

    Thanks for the encouragement. Unfortunately the candle holder was an integral part of the mirror and would have looked very odd without the candle so I was stuck with it.
  12. Lesley

    Lesley's 52 2011 Week 2 New

    Thanks Patrick. I'm going to make sure I'm on my own taking shots this week so I might come up with something passable!!!
  13. Lesley

    Lesley's 52 2011 Week 2 New

    Accommodation Not in my comfort zone for this one. Have struggled all week to get a good shot but failed miserably so I'm affraid this is my crappy effort! :gag: Composition is appalling as I had my son pulling at me the whole time so I missed the bottom off the candle sconce. Please feel...
  14. Lesley

    Lesley's 52 2011 Week 2 New

    I'm going to attempt this to push myself into using my camera properly. I'm going to use the theme each week but also try to challenge myself to use a different setting or technique as often as possible as well.
  15. Lesley

    Getting the hang of up close with the Kids

    Try not to put the face in the centre of the pic. The rule of thirds works well. Decide on the focal point (usually the eyes) and place it a third of the way across and a third up or down (sorry, rubbish at explaining things). I have the same problem with my little boy's hair which is also...