Recent content by lilyandsadie

  1. L

    FUJI S200EXR Views

    As a newbe thats the one I went for. It's going to take a while to totally get used to, but so far I'm really liking playing arounbd with it!!!
  2. L

    Woo-hoo another newby here :)

    Thanks everyone for your warm welcome! Totally hooked already, and once I've managed to work out how to upload stuff I will do :)
  3. L

    Photo52 2010 - Join Us

    As a fellow newbe, and still to scared to post my own photos, this will be a great way to dive straight in! I'm def in :)
  4. L

    New Year, New Decade, New Lens, New Camera...Time for a 365

    wow, i feel so inspired! Can't wait to follow this throughout 2010!
  5. L

    First outing with my camera

    hi there, i love th 3rd one, iv got one quite similar which i may upload when iv got some courage!
  6. L

    Woo-hoo another newby here :)

    Hi one and all, firstly id like to say a belated merry christmas! My name is Emma and I've kinda ended up taking up photography. Happened after a trip to new England/ new york area earlier in the year, and all i will say i that i was in point n shoot mode. Since then i made the decision to...