Recent content by lisamcconalogue

  1. L

    CF card failure

    I'm going to try that later, a guy at work is having a look at it for me and is able to recover the photographs but it is not reading in his card reader. My fear is that the D700 is doing something to the card. Eeeeekkkk!!!!
  2. L

    CF card failure

    I must check if I still have the slip! I bought from amazon, is this not good?
  3. L

    CF card failure

    Hi guys I have a nikon D700 and a Macbook Pro. I checked the photographs on my camera, took out the card and inserted into my card reader, it brought up the file and showed the NEF files but no photographs, when I clicked on the NEF file it said photoshop does not recognise the file. when I...
  4. L

    Sample wedding albums

    Thank you very much!
  5. L

    Sample wedding albums

    I want to show clients what their wedding album could potentially look like so I think it probably is best to use just one wedding. I have a website and a facebook page and a blog so I'm going to use those to update any recent work. My plan is to have one of each album that I sell as wel. I...
  6. L

    Sample wedding albums

    I tend to agree but there is sooo many photographs from different weddings which I want to include and I'm finding it hard to choose just one bride & groom!!!
  7. L

    Sample wedding albums

    Hi guys I am currently putting together some sample wedding albums for my customers, as they are quite expensive (I use loxley!) to order I can only afford to order 2 at the minute. My dilema is should I showcase just one wedding or use several weddings I've done in the one book??? Any...
  8. L

    D3 or D700?

    Well I have just ordered the Nikon D700 and 24-70 2.8 lens - fitted more in my budget! Can't wait until it arrives!!!!
  9. L

    Guitar pool of light

    Fantastic shot, so natural and the lighting is great.
  10. L

    First Macro

    sharpness if fantastic, great capture.
  11. L

    abandoned Mental Hospital shoot

    I think they are a great set of shots I like this last one you posted for Bevy.
  12. L

    HDEW Cameras - anyone every used them???

    thanks for that, I'll use the .com site!
  13. L

    HDEW Cameras - anyone every used them???

    Oh that's great thanks. I think will be purchasing a nikon D700 and 24-70 2.8 lens!!!!!
  14. L

    HDEW Cameras - anyone every used them???

    Oh thanks guys that's brillant, just needed some reassurance. I know this may sound stupid but what exactly is a grey import - is it just imported from another country????