Recent content by M_Livesey

  1. M_Livesey

    Canon EF 800mm f5.6 + 1.4x III extender with 1DX Mark II

    Thanks - is that from somewhere online you can link to?
  2. M_Livesey

    Canon EF 800mm f5.6 + 1.4x III extender with 1DX Mark II

    Hi Basic question - would an EF 800mm f5.6 with a 1.4x extender retain autofocus at the centre point with a 1DX Mark II? I can find this article here ( that "1 series bodies" retain centre point AF, but 1DX is not mentioned? Thanks
  3. M_Livesey

    National Trust Photographers Permit Scheme

    Hi guys - just an update, I was accepted onto the scheme when I applied a few months ago and offered a contract - however I rejected the offer as it seems as you pay £75 a year (plus the insurance) for very little. I'm not sure how many photos the National Trust picture library actually sells...
  4. M_Livesey

    National Trust Photographers Permit Scheme

    Hi "commercial use" is sale of the image for a purpose that will be used to make money - as selling directly to a client for private use in their home is not a purpose to make money, this wouldn't come under commercial use (I believe).
  5. M_Livesey

    National Trust Photographers Permit Scheme

    Hi, here is the link: I was accepted onto it this week and am currently considering on whether to take up the offer Matt
  6. M_Livesey

    National Trust Photographers Permit Scheme

    Hi The document says "Photographers must have a minimum of £2 million public liability insurance" The scheme refers to out of doors photography (not the interior of properties), so I assume tripods are acceptable as they make no mention of them? The document says you have to book in with...
  7. M_Livesey

    National Trust Photographers Permit Scheme

    Hi, thanks for your reply Commercial use is indeed defined to include directly selling prints to buyers, which is why I'm not 100% sure on this scheme. I'm not sure how many sales you would need to make up the difference as the usages such as consumer prints or images sold through the image...
  8. M_Livesey

    National Trust Photographers Permit Scheme

    Hi I was wondering if anyone has any experience with the National Trust Photographers Permit Scheme here? I emailed National Trust Images enquiring about it and they replied with the relevant document. Apparently the licence is £75 a year and you receive 50% of income from photos sold through...
  9. M_Livesey

    X-rite R1 Studio

    Hi Having finally lost my patience with Spyder5 Pro after it giving me inconsistent brightness setting every time | calibrate it (in the same room and conditions) and unhelpful responses from Datacolor support, I've decided to bite the bullet and change to X-rite. I was originally going to buy...
  10. M_Livesey

    Monitor Calibration Inconsistency

    Thanks posting the link (the site said I couldn't post a link until I had 3 posts) - If they look too dark on both mine and your monitor's (presumably both calibrated), then I presume I should re calibrate when it is dark and so there is no variability in light. I can only think it may be have...
  11. M_Livesey

    Monitor Calibration Inconsistency

    Hi - if you type it straight until Google followed by Flickr it should come up as one of the first links
  12. M_Livesey

    Monitor Calibration Inconsistency

    For the past few months I have been using Spyder 5 Pro to calibrate my monitor, and re-calibrating it every week or so, always in the same conditions (middle of the day, lights off, door closed, curtains drawn as this is when I edit photos). However, lately I have noticed that when I...