Recent content by ManceRayder

  1. M

    Munich Germany

    The surfers on the Isar near to the Englischer Garten is usually good, also somewhere in the Viktualienmarkt, big food market, could probably get some nice candid pics in there. I'd recommend getting a Bavaria ticket and taking the train to Garmisch Partenkirchen, ski resort & can go up...
  2. M

    Taking Tripod in Hand Luggage

    Taking my 60D, 70-200 & 15-85. I could buy one out there to be honest, the RS was only £90 so not a huge expense. Cheers all, may just leave it at home
  3. M

    Taking Tripod in Hand Luggage

    I'm trying to take it in hand luggage, attached to the back of my Lowepro backpack. I'm going for a year on a working visa and it takes up too much room in my rucksack. I'm only allowed 1 item so camera backpack is it, I could not take it but i'd regret it
  4. M

    Taking Tripod in Hand Luggage

    Hello, Does anyone have any experience of taking a tripod through airport security as part of hand luggage? I've always put it in my checked baggage before when travelling. However i'm going to NZ for a year in November, flying to Denver via Reykjavik at first, then Denver to Auckland...
  5. M

    Going to New York later this year

    Top of the Rock at sunset is amazing, great spot for pics although you have to scout a place early and be prepared to wait, quite a few people with monopods when I went up. Best part is you get the view of the ESB & new trade center, Chrysler Building is a bit obscured but can't be helped. The...
  6. M

    Shooting my little cousin

    Never even thought about the toy to be honest, now you mention it I can't stop seeing it when I look at the pic. It was fairly candid and spur of the moment, he's only 2.5yrs old so trying to keep him still is a challenge. Something to think about anyway, thanks
  7. M

    Shooting my little cousin

    Not really had much in the way of taking photos of people, so had a few days with my little cousin and this is the best. any thoughts IMG_4556 by Myfanwy 365, on Flickr
  8. M

    A couple from New Zealand

    Love the Raglan & Waipu ones, good job I just applied for a NZ working holiday visa
  9. M

    Shots from Interrailing

    Thanks, I had so many I could have chosen from around Bled & the Slovenian Alps. I like Zoom best out of the ones I posted
  10. M

    Shots from Interrailing

    Hi, Have just recently returned from Interrailing around Germany & Eastern Europe, first time i've ever put my pics up on here, these are some of my favourite pics I took. Any and all critiscism is welcome, i'm still learning what I can & can't do with my camera. Other than converting to...
  11. M

    70-200 Lens

    I found Digital Rev to be cheapest for my 70-200 f4L, a god £30-50 cheaper than most, came within 5 days as well. Other place was MBP photographic for a decent used lens, try finding one in Mint- condition
  12. M

    Lens to go with 60D?

    Decided to buy the 60D with 15-85 & 70-200 f4 from Digital Rev for £1348. I have got the cash to get the 17-55 but not sure I actually need to spend the extra at the moment
  13. M

    Aldi camera bags

    Get what you pay for, it's £9.99 from Aldi. Maybe it was just a dodgy batch but i'd hardly expect it to last for years
  14. M

    Camera Bag - Recommendations

    $400 :eek: Flipside 200 will do me fine, cheers all :thumbs:
  15. M

    Camera Bag - Recommendations

    Just seen the Flipside 200, looks good enough for what I want and around the right price. Tamrac didnt seem to have any with tripod holders