Recent content by marcusp13

  1. marcusp13

    Wedding Photographer didn't like me taking photos

    Apologies to dig up the start of the post again, but I would hope, as they are a hired professional. That if there is an image of the bride/groom looking away towards the loved relative, that this would have been reshot.
  2. marcusp13

    So what was your first slr or dslr?

    Technically, my grandad gave me these about 2003: But the first on I purchased was a D80 in 2007.
  3. marcusp13

    Wedding onboard Oceana

    In regards to the second image, technically I know its not good, i just like the captain's face in it!
  4. marcusp13

    Wedding onboard Oceana

    Here's a few from a wedding i did a couple of weeks ago onboard
  5. marcusp13


    Bit of crazy processing here, but shot very quickly as walking of the gangway in Lisbon, Portugal
  6. marcusp13

    P&O Oceana in Flamm

    Hey Mark! All is good with me thanks! Fjords are absolutely beautiful, most of my current portfolio shots are from the fjords. Not done Baltic as of yet, but get there in July, cannot wait!
  7. marcusp13

    Beach in St Lucia

    This photo means something to me as it reminds me of a brilliant day out in St Lucia with the crew I work with on the ship. This hat was given to my friends daughter as a present from one of the locals, it was a bit big for her head bless her. With them playing in the sea in the background it...
  8. marcusp13

    P&O Oceana in Flamm

    After working at sea for 2 years now, I thought I'd finally post an image of the ship I'm working up. All the way up in the Norweigan Fjords at a tiny port called Flamm.
  9. marcusp13

    VW Polo & Golf MKIII

    Yeh they were taken down there, then the ones at night were taken down near enterprise way
  10. marcusp13

    Recording your cars exhaust

    The reason for just having a stupid backbox is lost on me, however I can understand having a full straight through system from the cat as (when coupled with other engine mods) can increase horsepower. But even this confuses me when you get it on little 1.1l scrapsos
  11. marcusp13

    First shoot! Hint/tips needed

    Also if you're using flash watch out for reflections (depending upon how clean the car is :lol:
  12. marcusp13

    Supercar Fun!

    A good set! I've never been a big fan of selective colour but it works well on #1. Not too sure on the selective colour on #2 but a good shot otherwise.
  13. marcusp13

    really grinds my gears!!!

    - cruise ship passengers who seem to think we should give them all their photos for free - people who say "ah can you do this shoot for free to add to your portfolio?" which usually gets the reply "no you moron , my portfolio is fine. If I wanted a shoot for a specific reason like that I would...
  14. marcusp13


    No it was of the car, the guys were with me as it's one of the guys cars. This is one of the first shots of the set
  15. marcusp13


    Well the shot wasn't meant to have them in, and there are a couple with them two not in it but it basically shows their personalities perfectly so I thought it was quite fitting.