Recent content by mark.carline

  1. mark.carline

    KT Tunstall @ Manchester Ritz on Thursday 21st Oct 2010

    thanks benners ! Just what I am looking for. Hopefully i'll try and blag another photo pass for her next gig in feb next year and based on yours and others feedback (and also looking at photos from other pro togs at the same gig) theres alot I would do differently. b.t.w - is there a...
  2. mark.carline

    Moon shots with 5dII & 70-200 f2.8 and teleconverters

    Anyone here tried stacking teleconverters ? I fancied trying to do some moon shots with the longest lens i have 200mm f2.8 with a Canon 2x TC on it and although what I got was ok-ish I wondered about adding even more teleconverters Would this be any good ?
  3. mark.carline

    KT Tunstall @ Manchester Ritz on Thursday 21st Oct 2010

    Thanks for all your comments! It was great and a real mixture of emotions (scared, chuffed, surprised, panicing, rushed etc etc) yes - main reason was not to have a too small dof but i guess your saying this isnt a problem (unless the eyes are infocus?). I had the 5d mark II and I...
  4. mark.carline

    KT Tunstall @ Manchester Ritz on Thursday 21st Oct 2010

    yep, thanks and yes - i had to pinch myself at one point ;)
  5. mark.carline

    KT Tunstall @ Manchester Ritz on Thursday 21st Oct 2010

    I have been a fan of KT for a few years now and I have always frustrated at gigs when it says "no cameras allowed" on the ticket. So this time I managed to wangle my way to get a press / photo pass for this event. I was allowed to take pictures during the first three songs in the area between...
  6. mark.carline

    Lighting DVDs: Your chance to watch them.

    Can you add my name onto the list - i'll watch it and post it the next day ;) Thanks! Mark
  7. mark.carline

    10 stop filter for £2 - really :D

    Just a note to say that the guys over on AVForums have a competition this month of the theme "long exposure" which some of you here might be interested in entering..... and...
  8. mark.carline

    Welding glass shots: show us what you can do ;)

    Just a note to say that the guys over on AVForums have a competition this month of the theme "long exposure" which some of you here might be interested in entering..... and...
  9. mark.carline

    5d Mark II Focus Screen with "thirds" lines

    I know there is focus screen that canon make that cam be fitted to a 5d Mark II as follows...
  10. mark.carline

    RIA: A few shots around London 17th March 2010 - part 1/2

    Thanks for the comments ;) if you click on any of the images it should take to you FlickR and then the EXIF details are available when you click on "More Properties" link on the bottom right hand side. I assumed it was ok - noone said i couldn't so I just snapped away anyway.
  11. mark.carline

    RIA: A few shots around London 17th March 2010 - part 2/2

    Thanks for the comments ;) The Canon 24-70 F2.8L :)
  12. mark.carline

    RIA: A few shots around London 17th March 2010 - part 2/2

    Continued..... London Eye & Houses Of Parliament Looking Down Millennium Bridge to St Pauls Thames Jetty C&C Welcome !
  13. mark.carline

    RIA: A few shots around London 17th March 2010 - part 1/2

    Managed to get out one night while I was down in London on a training course. It was a nice (not very cold) clear, dry night. I did go a bit HDR mad but I liked the results..... Millennium Bridge looking down to St Pauls London Underground Tower Bridge Office Buildings in...
  14. mark.carline

    Sunset over Railway (HDR Warning!)

    Just managed to catch the sunset near us last night... I could decide which one would look better so I did both portrait and landscape... Sunset over Railway 1 Sunset over Railway 2 Click on image to see higher resolution image on FlickR. C&C welcome.!
  15. mark.carline

    Chester in the snow - 5th Jan 2010 (HDR warning!)

    thanks for all your comments! To be honest when you look into the technical side of HDR, all you are trying to do is create an image with "High Dynamic Range" which captures a similar dynamic range as what the human eye sees. Where alot of HDR images go wrong (in my opionion) is when...