Recent content by MarkB 65

  1. MarkB 65

    Waterproof "tough" compacts???

    Opinions please. I'm in the market for a decent compact style camera that's good for at least 10m underwater and is capable of 1080p video at a good frame rate with a "decent" picture quality to match. I have looked around but I keep comparing the image quality back to my 5D mk3 which I know I...
  2. MarkB 65

    Lightroom crashing

    Thought about a fresh install but I can't find my licence key to re install - will try that dll of your though thanks.... After I've finished cooking Sunday dinner for 12 !!
  3. MarkB 65

    Lightroom crashing

    Have a very frustrating Lightroom that seem to want to crash every time you use an adjustment brush . Was doing with ver 5.3 but thought I'd see if 5.4 fixed it as one of the bugs - but no - still crashes. Tells me it's the cameraraw.dll module that is at fault. A good google has come up with...
  4. MarkB 65

    Critique Bamburgh Castle Yesterday - Help me choose a keeper from 4.

    All very good and all have a slightly different merits - but I think No.1 wins it by a nose, for me. The sky in it just brings that bit extra into the shot
  5. MarkB 65

    My first TuTu

    Another from the same set... never quite happy with my B&W process though. Any thoughts??
  6. MarkB 65

    My first TuTu

    Maybe a little Her brother is actually better in front of the camera... He was just having a models tantrum that day! 7 months olds - they just are such diva's sometimes!
  7. MarkB 65

    My first TuTu

    On the original file they are pin sharp. Had to resize the file down from 27mb so I could upload it on here. It's certainly my current favourite of her.... But then I am biased!
  8. MarkB 65

    My first TuTu

    what do you guys think? overall I'm as happy as I can be
  9. MarkB 65

    Recent Newborn Shoot

    Have to agree with Hugh's comment - lovely capture but a bit of work needed still
  10. MarkB 65

    Family group shoot

    thanks guys the background is actually their own house and this print will be going on the same wall ..... so thought it nice to leave it so they have a picture of their wall.....on their wall - but with them in it. agree with more work needed in PP - this was mostly just a crop and a few tweaks...
  11. MarkB 65

    Family group shoot

    This is one of a shoot I did last week for a family. Not the easiest as the or both of the twin boys either cried or got totally distracted by a random object on the far side of the room
  12. MarkB 65

    Coughton Court

    I was over sharpening to prove a point - use the tools we have but use them well. the original was very soft - I took it to the other extreme. Proves it well worth "wasting" a few hours learning how to use the software properly to actually get a result you are happy with.
  13. MarkB 65

    Coughton Court

    hope you don't mind but here's a few tweaks that I very quickly did. quite a bit of gain too it but I kinda like that
  14. MarkB 65

    Critique In light from the window.

    We are all still learning - some just manage to remember more than others
  15. MarkB 65

    Critique In light from the window.

    Brian... focus on the eyes then recompose the shot. ie half press your shutter release till its focussed on what you want. this will sort out exposure as well. keep the button half press the entire time, then just move your camera so the subject it in the position you want them and then fully...