Recent content by Matt-k

  1. M

    Fuji x100

    Does anyone know if there is a quick way to turn Auto ISO on and off without going in to the menus? For instance if ive got auto iso set and then decide to put the flash on for a shot i have to mess about in the menu to turn it off so i can have a low ISO. I wish turning the flash on would knock...
  2. M

    Really need some sound advice...

    I second what andyred says, an older quality DSLR would be my choice. Also dont be fooled by newer cameras high megapixel counts as they really wont give better pictures than an older lower pixel dslr. Its the quality of the lens and sensor that give good images.
  3. M

    Fuji x100

    Hi all, after wanting an x100 since they were released and seeing some of the great shots on here i finally got a mint 2 month old one from LCE. Already impressed with the indoor shots ive got tonight and plan to take it out tomorrow. :)
  4. M

    Fuji x100

    That top shots bang on dlh, looking at getting an x100 myself after seeing some of the great results on here. Hoping prices drop a little in the new year! Cheers, Matt
  5. M

    Who to use for quality Prints?

    Thanks for the help, ill have a look at the ones mentioned, i know a lot of people always say do a search before posting questions (which i do a lot) but if i do that all the time ill never gain full access to the site as i wont have enough posts as most subjects will have been covered...
  6. M

    Godox 160Di Any good?

    Thanks for the reply, after reading a few posts on here i think i might just buy another Nissin Di622 and use those off camera. More portable too. Cheers, Matt.
  7. M

    Who to use for quality Prints?

    Hi, just after a bit of help. Ive used a few cheep printers in the past online and in town and they generally dont give a good result. Could someone sugest a good quality online company who i can use to print my photos? Thanks, Matt.
  8. M

    Godox 160Di Any good?

    Hi all, im wanting to get get a cheap flash set up for a small home studio to take family portrait shots. At the moment i just use my Nissin Di622 but quite often get a shadow on my backdrop from using the one flash, ive just seen a twin softbox set up for under a £100 which uses 2 Godox 160di...
  9. M

    Nikon D600 / D610 Official Users thread - Anything D6x0 related

    Very good point! Well thats my mind made up! I'll buy a 1.8 and also im on the lookout for a 80-200 2.8 AF-D 2 ring. Im not allowed access to the wanted for sale thread yet as ive not enough posts. That does get my back up a bit actually as i often search the site for answers so i dont have to...
  10. M

    Nikon D600 / D610 Official Users thread - Anything D6x0 related

    Thanks for the quick replies. Ive just had it on a tripod at f1.4 with a focus chart as instructed on a fine tune manual on the net. After many repeated shots at exactly the same settings it varies its focus from being occationally spot on to about 8-10mm out (usually behind) but sometimes 5mm...
  11. M

    Nikon D600 / D610 Official Users thread - Anything D6x0 related

    Hello all, ive had my D600 for nearly a month now and keep having problems focusing with the Nikon 50mm 1.4G. It generally seems focus further back than where the focus point is. For example i was trying to take a portrait shot of my wife using AF-S, Spot Focus and Centre Weighted Metering in...
  12. M

    Hello to Everyone! Yes you!

    Hi, i joined this forum some time ago but havent participated in it yet as been very busy with work and the house. Also weve just had our first baby a month ago which obviously takes priority over EVERYTHING as my wife always reminds me! Anyhow my name is Matt and i own a Nikon D5000 with...
  13. M

    Hello all from sunny (cloudy and windy) Lincoln!

    Hi, I'm matt from lincoln im 32 and am pretty new to the world of photography so will no doubt bore you with all my silly questions. Ive got a Nikon D5000 and im trying to learn how everything works in manual mode. Cheers :)