Recent content by melanie

  1. melanie

    Photo Printing at Home

    Thanks for that, Chappers & Dylan. I'm thinking I'll have a go with the Epson on special offer - the 4-colour one. Had a look at it in the shop today and realised that a lot of the reason for the slightly higher price of some similar models is to do with little extras that I really don't...
  2. melanie

    Photo Printing at Home

    I've read the recent threads on this subject and I can't see this specific question being answered anywhere, but sorry if I've missed anything... I think I'd like to get a printer and am REALLY baffled by all the options but lots of people seem to be recommending Epson so when I saw one...
  3. melanie

    First attempts

    Kev, she definately IS the boss. Shrimperblue, absolutely NOT nit-picking, and I agree with you. I thought the whole look was a bit too "busy" actually, which had probably distracted me from noticing the clashing white on white. Alex, you're quite right, it can be a bureaucratic...
  4. melanie

    The TP Weight Loss thread 2008

    Almost forgot to check in today! Well done yet again you guys. My update as at this morning is.... start weight 9 st 9 lb current weight 9 st 4.75 lb total loss 4.25 lbs time taken 4 weeks 2 days Still sticking at a pound a week! Tried to up the...
  5. melanie

    First attempts

    These photos were a first for me in more than one way (as you can clearly tell!!!) It was the very first time I have ever pressed the shutter on anything other than a compact – first time out of the house with my “new” (ie second hand) bridge camera. It was the first time I’d really tried to...
  6. melanie


    Thanks Hillwalking Girl! Even if it's not definately one of those, at least I can give it a title that's not completely madeup nonsense! And thanks to the rest of you for the comments - I'm really not happy with this B&W version and will do my best to get something else if possible, but...
  7. melanie


    :)Can anybody tell me what these are called? Posh latin name or nickname - anything will do. Thanks v much. By the way if the photo is worth a comment, that would be appreciated too!! Cheers PS, Actually please do comment on the actual pic because I'm toying with using this black...
  8. melanie

    DSLR course for hybrid camera

    By the way, I think you WILL be able to shoot raw - I can with mine (if I knew what the heck I was doing I could, anyway!) and mine's an older model than yours. Keep us posted :thumbs:
  9. melanie

    The TP Weight Loss thread 2008

    Sunday morning weigh-in details: Start weight 9st 9lb current weight 9st 5.75lb total loss 3.25 lb time taken 3 weeks 2 days almost exactly one pound per week. Blimey this is going to be a slow process at that rate! I know why though - I'm DEFINATELY doing the...
  10. melanie

    DSLR course for hybrid camera

    I think you're right to go ahead with the course despite what the tutor said - I've haven't even been out and used my bridge camera yet but from reading up on it and asking around I'm pretty sure there is nothing that you can't adjust manually, which is (I believe) the main thing if you're...
  11. melanie

    Storeage & file sizes

    If I go through and delete all the rubbish pics, I'll be able to fit what's left on 4.5" floppy disk! (if you can still get them) :lol: thanks for the advice everyone.
  12. melanie

    DSLR course for hybrid camera

    Smarty, I can't answer your question from my own experience as I haven't had any yet, but I've been asking the exact same question (on here as well as among more experienced photographers at my local camera club) and I've usually been led to believe that there are an awful lot of similarities...
  13. melanie

    Storeage & file sizes

    Hi Stewart I THINK I can change the JPEG quality before I acutally take the photo - there are 3 "quality" settings of some sort, so I assume that's what they mean. But I haven't tried changing it before. I've always used the highest quality setting and the highest mp setting which is 7.1. My...
  14. melanie

    Were you taking photos in Trafalgar Square, Saurday 26th jan 2008?

    Just had to congratulate the Guitarist on the most entertaining thread anywhere on the web.....I haven't spent so much time chuckling all by myself EVER! I really want you to find her and get your photo, but on the other hand I don't want this thread to come to an end. GOOD LUCK:thumbs: Oh...
  15. melanie

    Shoot and Zoom .

    This does look like fun! Did you take these on the Panasonic we were discussing the other night - the one I've just bought?? By the way I posted this question earlier - your pcs WERE here and then the thread disappeared (apparently it's something to do with Marcel's gerbil)