Recent content by mhamill83

  1. mhamill83

    Home Studio

    check ebay for a ex 150 interfit kit, i bought a entire kit, softbox, 2 heads and stands, beauty dishes, and a trigger cost £20 for camera for a total of £100 from a seller on this saite, good starter kit and interchangeable bulbs
  2. mhamill83

    building my first new website, recommendation please !!!

    getting to grips with a few programs wampserver and loads of youtube videos, this will be a learning curve if anything and a developer on hand to direct very soon
  3. mhamill83

    building my first new website, recommendation please !!!

    thanks for the tips, again i will forward your info to the brother, im already guessing im out of my depth with the software you quoted but still thanks again
  4. mhamill83

    building my first new website, recommendation please !!!

    im "assuming" that themeforest provide and range of text that can be added or changed during production
  5. mhamill83

    building my first new website, recommendation please !!!

    So.... im in the process of building my new website, im at a slight advantage as ive a brother who is a IT whizz in Australia and will be helping me out from what ive researched the template will be from, hosting from and to register the domain ive seen...
  6. mhamill83


    excellent control of light and the skin tone and clarity is excellent, hard to fault but very slight line to the left on the wall/background which is distracting and teeth could just do with a small touch of white, excellent catch light in the eyes
  7. mhamill83

    Iceland trip

    number 1.... class
  8. mhamill83

    The Rag

    the shadows under the armpit, sleeve and eyes are distracting, as the fellas said some skin re touching around the bum, the key lights "im guessing were used" are not positioned great and the flare reflection on the steam engine is distraction on this shot, ive done a basic edit of what i would...
  9. mhamill83

    Col de Joux Plane, Tour de France

    agree with 1, good sharp quality as its always awkward to shoot in rain, well put together
  10. mhamill83

    a fav B&W wedding shot, cc welcome

    been chatting and working with a few in derry, wouldn't object to what you are saying at all and its hard to get your direct eye contact in posed shots if your 2nd shooting but also seen some "professional" work from other shooters 5-10 years in the business and questioned it alot, seeking to...
  11. mhamill83

    Enjoying the view

    agree with above definitly
  12. mhamill83

    a few in color "with pictures" my apologies !

    great cc, agree with the nose comment and something to avoid in the future and again but im a fan of low angle shots on subjects, will maybe guide them to arch there face more forward and capture a more direct shots if it suits the theme
  13. mhamill83

    a fav B&W wedding shot, cc welcome

    excellent cc, as the piont you made the really do stand out, i posted this and general friends and family loved it but as you said about hands and position it really does stand out once spotted and if processed in a album then after so many 100 or 1000 views these faults would stand out, 2nd...