Recent content by Mischief

  1. Mischief

    Superb footage of running cheetahs

    Thank you for posting this-Thoroughly enjoyed it! Such amazing poise and grace-Spectacular creatures.
  2. Mischief

    Bear versus Nikon D4

    Highly doubt i would have been anywhere near calm enough to get a single shot :D (Too busy doing the roadrunner thing...) Can imagine the cringe factor when the bear starts trying to pound the gear into the ground... :D
  3. Mischief

    A few pics of a wasp. Far from perfect as I am still learning.

    Nothing wrong with those! Wish i was learning in the same manner... Seem to have gone backwards instead of forwards lately! Nice set :)
  4. Mischief

    Mangrove Pit Viper

    Oooh She's a little cracker.. Yours? Quite like this shot-Especially with her tongue fully extended :)
  5. Mischief

    An explanation from a security guard on why "you can't take photos here"....

    Sorry-But baited or not,those two numpties were so out of line its hilarious. Do i think photographers should "bait" them?-No,there are far more productive things to do with your time. I have to say this though-I would have been in stitches during that exchange of views.. While i would have...
  6. Mischief

    What's Santa bringing you for Christmas this year?! ;D

    A big bite of fresh air... Ah well...Maybe next year he will remember the 5DmkII..
  7. Mischief

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to everyone on TP! Eat,be merry....And have fun playing with the shiny new toys Santa stuffed under your tree!
  8. Mischief

    Fl....eye drops

    That is one seriously nice shot. Most impressive. Just starting on Macro myself,but am about a million miles away from images like this :)
  9. Mischief

    Flaring matches

    Same here..linkys no working.. :)
  10. Mischief

    curry ... chicken or beef

    Mmmm Chicken Madras....nice cold beer alongside.. Yummy :)
  11. Mischief


    Do not be fooled! They are little fluffy cute bundles,who pose beautifully for the camera.. But good lord you should hear them when they decide its time to come out of the pen for some fun chasing those pesky humans feet! Day 1 of being allowed out of the pen=very shy puppies.. Day 2 was the...
  12. Mischief

    Dog Appreciation Thread, post your fave dog shots here...

    This little fella is just 4 weeks old. Very cute,but very smelly and noisy! Got 9 of these little terrorists+ mum and dad... :help:
  13. Mischief


    STILL have not got round to getting "proper" pics,but these little blighters keep me busy.. Seemed like a wonderful idea to have the whelping pen in the front room,i mean...How much mess can 9 puppies make right? lol :) They are now really showing their individual characters,and are hilariously...
  14. Mischief

    I've gone to the light side, ive bought a canon...

    I have an older Pixma,but have never been happier with a printer.. Prints come out better than many photo's i had printed by various companys online..
  15. Mischief


    Thank you both! and yeah-i think they will keep us on our toes.. :) Cheers :) Agreed-Far more intelligent than people give them credit for,and also rather misunderstood by many. Good to see another Rottie lover! :thumbs: