Recent content by mlwprescott

  1. mlwprescott

    Looking down from the eye

    I agree with the first comment - It looks like the focus is on the reflection of the structure but in general I like the idea of a novel view from the eye.
  2. mlwprescott

    plumbing experts help

    +1 It's just a check valve so won't noticeably restrict flow. It goes on the cold side to stop hot water contaminating the mains supply.
  3. mlwprescott

    5d mk1 - lens recommendation

    I've found that to be one of the drawbacks of the 5D; the focus accuracy. I often find myself needing to centre-focus and then recompose to get accurate focus.
  4. mlwprescott

    Advice: Not happy with sharpness

    Do you have the exif data?
  5. mlwprescott

    One Moon, 2 cameras and 2 pictures.

    I really like them both, but the first has some blue fringing which is quite noticeable - I think if you could remove it that first pic would be perfect.
  6. mlwprescott

    The wind that shakes the barley

    Thanks! will have a go next time :)
  7. mlwprescott

    Bruges at Night

    Thanks for the comments; all really appreciated. If you look carefully there are even tiny bottoms next to the tiny boobs at the top!
  8. mlwprescott

    Coots - Newly born

    The last one is brilliant but maybe crop it slightly less to keep the entirety of the mother in. The colours and the textures of the reeds/straw is great.
  9. mlwprescott

    Some old moon shots...

    wow, that's really impressive. On a 7d you get a 900mm equivalent with a 400mm and a 1.4TC! No wonder it's clearer than my 70-300 :D
  10. mlwprescott

    Another moon shot - with a difference

    I think the blur is what happens when a small child, a bike and ET go through a jet engine. It's how they test gas turbines.
  11. mlwprescott

    The wind that shakes the barley

    Very nice. What kind of PP have you applied to the 1st one? Is it just a saturation boost and cropping or something more involved. Trying to get an idea of how to make images like this!
  12. mlwprescott

    Bruges at Night

    #6 Added. This one I like but I wanted to find a way of reducing the number of people in it. Is a longer exposure the only good way of doing this?
  13. mlwprescott

    Bruges at Night

    Thanks! I know what you mean about the spires. I had about 10 of photo #1 and #2 to choose from and none of them had the top of the spires in! Will be aware of this next time!
  14. mlwprescott

    Bruges at Night

    Ah yes, I can see the overexposed bricks on #4 now - thanks. Concerning rotating, I was using photoshops ruler and used one side of the tower in #5 to base it on, though couldn't really work out whether it was right or not! I'll have a play, but i think my right ear is lower than my left ;)...
  15. mlwprescott

    Bruges at Night

    Thanks to you both. I'm a little confused as to how to correct the sky in the 1st one - I've not touched the saturation, this is straight out of the camera with only WB/exposure correction and a little cropping.