Recent content by nib1980

  1. N

    Travel / Permenant tripod recomendations

    Oh and I am considering this, unless any one says anything else
  2. N

    Travel / Permenant tripod recomendations

    Hi all, I'm going ona trip to Iceland soon and want to invest in a tripod. I shoot a D700, so not light camera What tripods and heads do you recommend, (I'm looking to spend around £200) Many thanks Neil
  3. N

    First shoot with my new D700...

    HI All, so i recently bought a Nikon D700, and this is from the frist shoot i did with it. feedback welcome Neil
  4. N

    Beauty in the storm

    no problems each to there own, (actally it's just a print not faux fur but your ebtitlted to your opionion)
  5. N

    Beauty in the storm

    not a lot of PP, a little levels correction and a gradient map but thats it, mostly in camera i wish o could afford a better camera.
  6. N

    Beauty in the storm

    did some location work recently i'd like some feedback. many thanks
  7. N

    Affordable Flash solutions..

    yep, i used the sun as the back light, and the heads from the front, with the model stood off slightly to the side, it's just all about planning. agreed i'll never be able to take these to out power the sun, except for about 15mins during the rise and fall of the sun, but i have to work with...
  8. N

    Affordable Flash solutions..

    well for my two peneth, here an image i shot on saturday using just two sb600 flashheads. no big expensive items, and i'm happy with the outcome. no doubt someone will tell me everything thats wrong with it, but given my limited budget it's the best i can do I used some quadras and yes...
  9. N

    Show me your studio!

    just out of shot! :D
  10. N

    Show me your studio!

    mine can be seen in this thread end product is here
  11. N

    Opinions please - swords in shots

    Hi All I've been asked to do a location shoot for a model, who wants to do a ninja theme. I already have a series of katanas and other swords (personal collection and all de-edged) I know these can be deemed as offensive weapons. If I took one out on a shoot (in some woods away from...
  12. N

    Ring Flash Advice.

    have you looked at the Orbis ringflash system? I just got one and I think it's great
  13. N

    London Strobist workshops

    the flash centre run one with Adam Duckworth, google it and you should find it
  14. N

    Upset by something - opinions please

    Nope I have an agreement that I will provide 15 High quality retouched images ona CD, usually takes me about 5 days to do them. I do this as a hobby for now, but i'd love to go permenant
  15. N

    Upset by something - opinions please

    your absolutely right, i suspect it was just a very keen model who most likely was trying to earn a living, and it's me who didn't like it. Your right, i'll learn and move on