Recent content by nickfole

  1. nickfole

    Golden Sifaka - Andasibe, Madagascar

    Just returned from a break Volunteering in Andasibe, Madagascar. A great way to enjoy a photographic expedition and give something back to the community. Observed and photographed several Lemurs and the Golden Sifaka is one of my favourites. Tracked a young one on its mothers back. Tricky...
  2. nickfole


    Wonderful photo of the Coquerels Sifaka. Colours in the eye totally set this off. Well done. I ended up tracking down the pigmy kingfisher. Will upload some time. The Indri were really tricky to photograph in Andasibe - as you say, dark with lots of "focus magnets". I would definitely like to...
  3. nickfole


    Great photo. Very difficult photography. The indri, as are most lemurs, are generally high up in the canopy and photographing against a bright sky creates big problems. I've just returned from this beautiful place too having spent best part of 6 weeks at Andisibe working as a volunteer. Might...
  4. nickfole

    Torre del Lago Sunrise

    Very surreal. Love it! Can you give any details on how you created this?
  5. nickfole

    Wild Little Owl

    First one. Real purpose in the stride. Well frozen and spot on focus.
  6. nickfole

    Non UK Madagascar

    Thanks for advice and reassurance. We're leaving via Paris mid late August too. We'll be relying on public transport or driven but based at Antasibe for a month. Then undecided at the moment but might go for a couple of internal flights. Will be staying at guest house but no idea on security...
  7. nickfole

    Shell Shock

    Very eyecatching. Inspired! Thanks
  8. nickfole

    Non UK Madagascar

    Just wanting to resurrect this post - I'm in a similar situation later this year. I'll be going to Antasibe for 4 weeks followed by a week or two of touring. I'm signed up (along with the Boss and 19yr old son) for voluntary work in Antasibe Park. Evenings and weekends free to roam. Then I'm...
  9. nickfole

    Gitzo replacement

    Agreed, Sirui well worth looking at. Quality appears spot on. not the cheapest, .. Mine came with tools to tighten up joints which worked loose after first few uses. Very pleased overall
  10. nickfole


    great natural shot.
  11. nickfole

    Mollie the Barn Owl

    Captive American barn owl - Mollie. Broad daylight in a wildlife show. Tried to dim down to replicate dusk take off. Focus on eyes leaves leaves beak a little blurred? Thoughts appreciated? (D750 70-200N at close range)
  12. nickfole


    First one really caught my eye. Great colours and balance.
  13. nickfole

    Brown Hare

    Super photo. Well tracked.
  14. nickfole

    Removing Nikon 28-70 lens mount

    I replaced my 18 to 105mm mount without any problem. Watched the youtube How to replace Bayonet mount on Nikkor 18-105 lens - YouTube "How to replace Bayonet mount on Nikkor 18-105 lens - YouTube" I watched the video a few times before and during. Quite simple and very satisfying.
  15. nickfole

    Nikkor 200-500?

    Have bit the bullet. 200-500 will be arriving mid week. Thanks for all advice. Hopefully will post some reasonable images shortly...