Recent content by Nomee

  1. Todays Try

    Todays Try

  2. Todays Try

    Todays Try

  3. Nomee

    Bugs of today

    @hoftwi really true. can't wait to get started. hahhaha my extension tubes and light is on its way. @Tintin124 thanks alot for you help. i will certainly give a look at the section. already feel good joining this forum. thanks alot.
  4. Nomee

    Bugs of today

    @hoftwi we certainly will. and i am still looking at your photos. this macro photography is quite addictive right? hahahha i think it is. you can see whats actually around you. a whole new world.
  5. Nomee

    Bugs of today

    @hoftwi great. definitely i will have a look at your other pics. i am complete new to it. i got canon 600d and already ordered extension tubes, filters and flash lights. waiting for it to get delivered on saturday hopefully. so i can also try and find beauties like this. great work. and yes...
  6. Nomee

    Bugs of today

    nice shots. which lens do you use? filter, extension tubes or a macro lens? but great work.
  7. Nomee

    Critique My Doorway fetish strikes again!

    well done. great details you have captured. really want to be like that. excellent work. :clap:
  8. Nomee

    first photos

    @JAC40 thanks alot for the tip. yes i will definitely try and work on it.:banana: @dekeyboy i tried it today and yes you are right. its working :clap:
  9. Nomee

    first photos

    @dekeyboy here are two more pictures
  10. Nomee

    first photos

    @Danzaroonie thanks for you feedback. yes i was actually trying to focus on leave but a little bit of scene from behind. like statue and something. a failed try. i dont know how can i make leaves visible like proper green and the sky/the background not blown away. like in this one plain white...
  11. Nomee

    first photos

    @keenan I have canon 600d and it was a kit lens 18-55mm, but yes you are right about the horizon. how should i improve it or work on it. thanks @dekeyboy yes i got some other pictures but didnt like much, i will post them and will let you know so you can guide me how to improve it. thanks so muc.
  12. Nomee

    first photos

    hi, i am a complete beginner, i always want to get some catchy pictures and most of the the time i know what i want to do. but it never works. I dont know if i am doing something wrong. for example. i know how i should shoot a portrait but when i practically do it, it all looks like a dumb. :/...
  13. Nomee


    the first one lighted up is more catchy actually. nice work. i try to capture with 18-55mm kit lens but picture looks dull and not that catchy or its just me thinking like that.
  14. Nomee

    Llyn Nantlle

    So beautiful and perfect shot. love that.
  15. My First Album

    My First Album

    Hi, these are my first couple of photos I taken from my Canon 600D. All learnt online in last couple of days. Your comments and feedback are welcomed. Thanks