Recent content by Norseman

  1. N

    On1 lens information

    Totally sympathise. I bought ON1 2022 last year but it transpires that my computer can't run it. I can't add a graphics card for a couple of reasons and I have no wish to replace the computer right now. What's been really annoying is the daily emails exhorting me to upgrade to 2023 at "my"...
  2. N

    Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

    Go to Germany a lot, do you?
  3. N

    I am back(ish)

    Ti presumably means Titanium. Hasn't made any difference to my OM-4.
  4. N

    Cleaning Filter/lens

    In my ignorance I thought IPA was for drinking :beer:
  5. N

    Compact Binoculars?

    Justfy them to Mrs Nod the same way I did - buy her a pair too!
  6. N

    Is this the most hopeless UK autumn over many many years?

    Autumn? I'm still looking for summer! Cannot recall a year with so many overcast days and nights. :(
  7. N

    Is this a hand coloured photograph?

    It's a long time since I did any hand-colouring but this looks genuine to me.
  8. N

    Law on refurbished items

    I used to have AMEX and DC 'charge' cards in the 80s and 90s. They were popular then, but you HAD to repay them at the end of the month - no arguments. Not completely correct. I had a client at that time who regularly didn't pay his Amex - all that happened was that they applied "liquidated...
  9. N

    Notice There's gon' be some new sheriffs in town

    The lengths some people will go to to get their posts over 100k!
  10. N

    Colour Laser Printer Advice Needed

    I've had a Minolta printer for over twenty years and it is capable of outstanding results. Three downsides: it's massive and needs two people to move it (!), colour toner is expensive >£100 each; there are other consumables which go after a while and none of them are cheap. It doesn't need...
  11. N

    Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

    Robin, thanks for posting your spider picture. I've been thinking about buying a Toughie for some time and noticed that HDEW have it at an advantageous price just now. Your pic was the final encouragement I needed so I've done the deed and hope it will arrive before too long.
  12. N

    Photos in frames - does anyone go without the glass cover when displaying photos in frames?

    You could try non-reflecting glass. The problem with that is that it needs to be in contact with the image for best results. However I've used it over periods of many years without ill effect. That said, I prefer normal glass or none at all.
  13. N

    Practical Photography magazine closing - final issue in July

    There were no locations within in Cambridgeshire in any copy I ever looked at, with the best will in the world if you can’t find locations that are viable to visit what’s the point of buying it? Just a little perspective - I live in the UK and visit Cambs reasonably frequently. It's actually...
  14. N

    Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

    "must have been sunspot day today " Bad news Jeff - there have been no sunspots for the last 28 days!