Recent content by Pablo17

  1. P

    Rockingham 21/08/11

    2,4 and 6 are the pick of the bunch. The others are ok, mostly well exposed and very well panned but are just missing the little bit of something. 4 would be my main pick as the car is sharp, still has movement in the wheels given the sense of speed, if it was larger or printed I guess you can...
  2. P

    sigma 50-500

    why not get a 1.4 converter? It will keep the flexibility of the 70-200 then with the 1.4 take you 280 and on the 50d this add the 1.6 crop for the sensor and you now have 448mm lens, just short of the 500 you are looking for? plus the tele-convertors still not cheap but cheaper than the lens...
  3. P


    Much the same comments really, I may tried a bit of fill in flash if I was taken it. As stated we all start off with to much skin smoothing
  4. P

    Help pls

    Thank you all for you help, the one Will linked to is the one I was after but I shall look at the others to
  5. P

    Help pls

    Before a hard drive crash I had a link to a website that had a tool on that you could adjust things shutter speed, aperture, iso and so on and you click the button and it showed the effect of the settings. It was a picture of a child in a play ground holding a windmill on a stick. I cannot find...
  6. P

    I know this not that good but it made me smile :)

    How do you upload pictures from your hard drive? I have done a quick mod but cannot find out upload it.:thinking::shrug:
  7. P

    Right time, right place

    correct in that right place right time, but you still needed to be ready and have something like the correct settings to get this. I usally reckon that most of my sport pictures are 90% R.P.R.T and 10 % my input I still may be tempted to crop the down a a touch as it adds nothing to the picture.
  8. P

    Camera Club Listings

    Most clubs need that :lol: I have been trying for the last year only another 2 to go :clap:
  9. P

    Camera Club Listings

    Bexhill Photographic Club Meet on a every 2 weeks on a Thursday from Sept-May A mix of lectures and competitions and all levels.
  10. P

    First Attempt at Panning

    good for a 1st attempt, one could offer lots to help but panning is so hard with many things to consider, amongst which eqpt you use it will differ if using f2.8 lens against f5.6. Depth of field is (dof) one thing most people don't think about when panning. Picture 2, if you look at the rear...
  11. P

    First candid, just for fun.

    Yes you can, not used it in a long time so not sure how but it will be there some where
  12. P

    Model evening outdoors

    much the same as above
  13. P

    First candid, just for fun.

    I guess a simple levels/curves adjustment, candids are always going to be hard but the post running through the hair just spoils it for me
  14. P

    All together now

    opps note to self not to sharpen when tired and eyes not looking:thumbs:
  15. P

    All together now

    thank you :thumbs: