Recent content by paulmck

  1. P

    posting Li Ion Batteries

    I've done the same - the Post Office destroyed the package and I had to refund the buyer. Luckily it was only £15 or so. I think it might be pot luck as to whether it gets through or not. I suspect they can't x-ray every package and maybe I was just unlucky.
  2. P

    Good locations on NYMR?

    That's the spot. The junction had been closed for the past week but was open again when I drove past yesterday.
  3. P

    Good locations on NYMR?

    Never photographed it but the point where the lower Goathland road joins the A169 is always a popular spot. The track is off in the distance (500m) and on a curve so you get to see a bit of the train, not just a head on view. There's a parking lay-by (usually with an ice cream van if it's...
  4. P

    Vintage Computers anyone have an interest?

    Started as a programmer at BT with a ICL1900 running George III. It filled a massive room but I think someone has now got it to run on a Raspberry Pi !! Then ICL 2966 and on to 3900. Think there was an ICL System4 and a DEC PDP-8 in there somewhere along the journey as well. Now using an...
  5. P

    Lightroom playing silly buggers?

    Not the same but perhaps related ... for me the image in the navigator window (top left) was showing all of the changes I had applied but the main image window wasn't. This was also the case for exported files i.e. no changes applied. The answer was to turn off graphics acceleration in the...
  6. P

    Beginner Sage advice on Nikon camera / lens compatibility

    Your best bet if it's a real camera shop rather than on-line, would be to take your lenses with you and test them in the store. But yes, as toohuge mentioned above, if they are Nikon AF lenses, they will work with a D7500 ,which as it happens is also fits the "high end" (i.e. more capable)...
  7. P

    Beginner Sage advice on Nikon camera / lens compatibility

    To keep using your existing lenses you will need a camera with an internal focusing motor. So NOT any of the D3xxx or D5xxx cameras. The ones that will work with your camera are the D7xxx ones, and 3 digit D series e.g. D7xx, D8xx or the single digit pro cameras such as the D4/5/6 but I...
  8. P

    Three / smarty users - no service?!

    Didn't notice any problems (in North Yorkshire), but was only out yesterday afternoon.
  9. P

    Apple mini Mac M2 for Lightroom and limited PS

    I bought an M2 Air with 16Gb of RAM last November after being a Windows user for years. It blasts through anything I throw at it in LR and PS and that's with other stuff running in the background. I bought the one with an 8 core CPU as the research I did indicated that the extra 2 cores...
  10. P

    Speed awareness course

    This question came up on the course that I went on (in 2016) and the person running it said that the insurance companies had no way of knowing if you had been on a course or not. There's no central database that the insurance companies access for this. He also pointed out that if he had to...
  11. P

    D70S images completely white

    I don't remember the D70s ever having a firmware upgrade so perhaps that's the reason why there's not one to download. Pretty sure the D70 version won't load onto the D70s.
  12. P

    Pro Spec DSLR, Older Ones.......

    I like shooting with the older pro DLSRs as well but for me it's more about the overall condition of them rather than the shutter count, although I appreciate the two are usually linked. I recently picked up a very nice Nikon D4S which will be 7 years old now, so it could fail at any point...
  13. P

    Nikon Z* mirrorless

    Not had any issues with using it on Z7II on a recent trip to Budapest. I only have that lens because I have an F100 and use it as the walkabout lens on that. Looking to get the Z version for an upcoming trip to Thailand but I'm wondering if the 24-200mm would be a better option.
  14. P

    Buying from EU

    I've bought many things from the EU since the new VAT rules came into force. It really depends on the retailer - some are more clued up than others. But I've had no problems. All my purchases have been from large companies that are VAT registered, so as far as I remember, VAT was charged on...
  15. P

    Edinburgh trams?

    Trams are fine and very regular (10 minutes or less at that time of day). I've never used them to get to the zoo, only the airport. The only issue I can see is that you will need to get off somewhere along Princes Street for the Royal Mile, but it's a fair walk from Princes Street to the Royal...