Recent content by pegasus457

  1. P

    D300 or D700

    I have two D300's and work them sport with 80-200 f2.8 TBH for indoor and more general work I would preobably use D700 but for sport the D300 combo works fine, fast enough and not too expensive!
  2. P

    Tutorial Guidance on how much to charge

    Perhaps in a way I was inferring that many do not take into acount the overhead of post capture, presentation and sales? On a big wedding this can eat a lot of time and the nett hourly rate can be very small. I recall one photographer who had what can only be described as a fetish for tinkering...
  3. P

    Tutorial Guidance on how much to charge

    The one element people often forget is that so much of a wedding shoot is about your "flavour?" whatever you shoot, contemporary, reportage etc..It's good to get an identity in your work. THis comes at the price of your retouching and image preparation and this is an internal cost that you...
  4. P

    How long do you spend editing your images?

    I think the answer really is whether you can make money on your retouching, so many photographer appear to make good money on wedding and portrait but endless tinkering cost money...I wondered whether or not some are in fact working for close to the minimum wage?