Recent content by Phaedra

  1. P

    Alternative Processes?

    talking specifically Agryotype and Cyanotypes here, any experiences? I'm thinking of getting one of the kits from silverprint and doing that for my uni project, with whatever the hell i decide to photograph. and with the papers, if i want to do bigger prints, what paper do i get?
  2. P

    Only a mother could love this they grow so fast

    Oooh she's very pretty!
  3. P

    good online paper retailer

    you might also want to try i get my matt paper from there.
  4. P

    Gyr Falcon

    Yeah, the very same. I'm from derby so it's not far for me! I should clarify that gorgeous fella was part of the falconery display at the horse trials at the weekend.
  5. P

    Gyr Falcon

    Taken at Chatsworth with my 40d, and a canon ef 50-300mm (i think? it's my dad's lens.)
  6. P

    GCSE Photography

    I did photography at A Level and it was a good start, moved on to study it at Uni which is an entirely different kettle of fish i can tell you. I highly doubt a GCSE in it exists, might help to be doing something like GCSE Art though. Even the ND would be a good start. although i highly...
  7. P

    Windows Vista backdrop submitted on Canons Assignment

    i didn't know you could get an iso of 600 either. tsch.
  8. P

    Show us yer film shots then!

    couple of wrecked aircraft in the peak district (sabre and superfortress for those in the know, up near (ish) kinderscout.) shot on hp5 400iso. on a mamiya rb67. i lugged that damn thing and it's beast of a tripod twelve miles on seriously rough terrain and through a blizzard, so i am so pleased...
  9. P

    Dumb, newbie, 120 film question.

    Kodak Portra colour neg film is the best i've found, i usually use VC (vivid colour) but they also do a natural colour version, which i can't comment on. i like vc though, bright colours, little grain. i mostly shoot landscapes on MF but Vc skintone's are still accurate and it just amkes the...
  10. P

    Running, long exposures - help?

    I've been deleting the images out of my frustration for not getting it right, but i'll see next time. i've already doing some panning, and it wasn't really what i wanted for this. thanks anyway.
  11. P

    Running, long exposures - help?

    I don't know if this is the right section. but i'm trying to get some long exposures of my friend on his morning run. so blurring/ etc. and i can't for the life of me get it right! tried it early morning, produced the best result but they were really blown out (no ND filter, brought one now.)...
  12. P

    Decisions.... (Lens for Canon 40D)

    I went with the 24-85mm, and it arrived today, i like it muchly! going to save up for the likes of a 10-22mm now.
  13. P

    Sway, New Forest

    CPL? Not too hefty PP actually, mostly it was down to increasing the saturation of the blues in camera raw. pretty much it. And i used a polarising filter.
  14. P

    Sway, New Forest

    thank you. i'm really pleased with them too.
  15. P


    Some roses in my room, these aren't brilliant i'll admit but i like the dreamy, painterly effect they have. Shot on a Canon 40d, with a tokina 50-250mm lens. shot at f/4, exposure varying between 1/25 and 1/50 sec.